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Gen2 CTD Sensor Noisy Conductivity

Home Forums Environmental Sensors Gen2 CTD Sensor Noisy Conductivity

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    • #17881
      Jake Lemon

        Hey there. Has anyone else noticed that the Gen2 CTD sensors seem to produce noisier conductivity data than the Gen1? I haven’t done any analysis to back this up have observed seemingly more anomalous conductivity values at sites where I’ve deployed this sensor. I can provide some examples if helpful. Generally I’m seeing drops of 50-150 us/cm between our 15 minute measurement increments, sometimes this is just for one measurement while at other times it’ll maintain this lower conductivity level for an hour or more, before jumping back to “normal” conductivity. Just thought I’d see if anyone else has noticed something similar before investigating further.







      • #17962
        Jake Lemon

          I just ordered a couple more sensors today and got this message from Meter “HYDROS 21s are currently on stop ship due to issues with EC readings. Our team is hoping to have this resolved soon.”

        • #17993
          James P

            We’re seeing that. Ours are mainly shorter time frame blips, up or down 10-25 ms/cm. I thought maybe it is just temporary fouling of the sensor?


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