Braedon replied to the topic Controlling 12-volt heaters with a power relay in the forum Infrastructure and Equipment 2 weeks, 6 days ago
@shicks I’m also going to be adding an air temperature sensor that has a 12-volt fan in the radiation shield. The fan can run at lower power by using pulse width modulation. I’m wondering if there might be a way to accomplish this with the power relay, since the fan will have to be connected directly to the battery like the heaters on my other…[Read more]
Braedon replied to the topic Controlling 12-volt heaters with a power relay in the forum Infrastructure and Equipment 1 months, 1 weeks ago
@shicks I wanted to run by what my thought process is with these relays and some of the questions I have now that I have purchased a few. I think my questions are general enough that you should be able to help me with them. I am looking to connect the Seeed relay to the D10-D11 grove terminal on the Mayfly. This would connect the relay’s SIG pin…[Read more]
Braedon replied to the topic Controlling 12-volt heaters with a power relay in the forum Infrastructure and Equipment 4 months ago
This looks like a great option. Thanks Shannon for your help!
Braedon replied to the topic Controlling 12-volt heaters with a power relay in the forum Infrastructure and Equipment 4 months, 1 weeks ago
I have four sensors with heaters, and combined they draw 61.6 mA.
Braedon started the topic Controlling 12-volt heaters with a power relay in the forum Infrastructure and Equipment 4 months, 1 weeks ago
I have some apogee pyranometers and pyrgeometers for my monitoring stations, and each of these sensors has an internal heater that helps to clean off snow, rain, and frost. The heaters operate at 12 volts, so I have them connected directly to my 12-volt battery which powers my entire setup. Having the heaters connected 24/7 draws a lot of power…[Read more]
Braedon started the topic Suggestions for pictorial wiring diagrams in the forum Miscellaneous 4 months, 3 weeks ago
Hey there, I am looking to create an easy-to-digest diagram of a wiring setup that I have with my Mayfly. I have seen some good examples in the Fritzing community (https://fritzing.org/) using Arduino boards, but it looks like they are limited to what microcontrollers, peripherals, and sensors are available to use in their library without having…[Read more]
Braedon replied to the topic Programming and troubleshooting Apogee SP-710 sensor in the forum Environmental Sensors 5 months, 2 weeks ago
@shicks this is something I am still struggling with, and I am having hard time figuring out. I’ve added some pictures with some of the data I’ve been collecting. It seems that the logger is picking up that there is some diurnal cycle happening, but the values seem to not match what I would expect, or they can be wildly all over the place. If I…[Read more]
Braedon replied to the topic Programming and troubleshooting Apogee SP-710 sensor in the forum Environmental Sensors 6 months, 3 weeks ago
<p class=”user-nicename”>@srgdamiano do you by chance see where I am going wrong?</p>
Braedon started the topic Programming and troubleshooting Apogee SP-710 sensor in the forum Environmental Sensors 7 months, 2 weeks ago
I have installed some stations that use the Apogee thermopile pyranometers and pyrgeometers to measure incoming and outgoing shortwave and longwave radiation. These sensors don’t have their own source code in the modular sensors library, so I took the liberty of creating my own based on the Apogee SQ-212 files that already exist. The data I’m…[Read more]
Braedon replied to the topic Sensor reading errors using Meter Teros modular library in the forum Environmental Sensors 8 months, 1 weeks ago
Thanks for the quick response Sara. I have not used the build flag. Flags are not something I am familiar with, and I don’t know how to use or adjust them properly. Where would be the appropriate place to make this adjustment in the library?
Braedon started the topic Sensor reading errors using Meter Teros modular library in the forum Environmental Sensors 8 months, 1 weeks ago
I have installed several monitoring stations targeting environmental variables of interest for snow hydrology using the Mayfly as the data logger. One issue in particular that I have encountered is with logging data from my Meter Teros 12 sensors. I have three of these sensors connected to the SDI-12 pins on the Mayfly board, buried at three…[Read more]
Braedon replied to the topic How to determine battery and power supply in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 1 years ago
Great idea! Thanks @shicks!
Braedon replied to the topic How to determine battery and power supply in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 1 years ago
I’ve attached the specs sheet to this reply. Maybe you can help me interpret it. The following is what I was told from Apogee when I asked about the heaters:
“Regarding the <span class=”markjqg79ytz9″ data-markjs=”true” data-ogac=”” data-ogab=”” data-ogsc=”black” data-ogsb=”rgb(255, 241, 0)”>heater</span>s, you do not need to operate them all the…[Read more]
Braedon replied to the topic How to determine battery and power supply in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 1 years ago
Awesome. The XBee module is an RF module, the XBee Pro S3B. I just remembered, while the apogee sensors I am using don’t require power to make measurements, they do require power for the internal heater. The pyrgeometer heaters, according to the datasheet, draw 15.4 mA and 185 mW at 12 VDC. The pyranometers draw 30.8 mA and 370s mW at 12 VDC. In…[Read more]
Braedon started the topic How to determine battery and power supply in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 1 years ago
Hi everyone, I’m wondering what is the best way to determine how much power I need to supply to run my Mayfly and the sensors attached, and how I properly size batteries and solar panels. The sensors I have attached that require power are 3 Meter Teros 12 sensors and 1 MaxBotix sonar sensor.
For the Meter sensors, the datasheet says that the…[Read more]
Braedon replied to the topic Using Modular Sensors for METER Teros 12 in the forum Environmental Sensors 1 years ago
@srgdamiano Sorry to bother you on this, but I still need help understanding the issues I’ve had with the Teros library.
Braedon replied to the topic Using Modular Sensors for METER Teros 12 in the forum Environmental Sensors 1 years, 1 months ago
@srgdamiano were you able to look at the cpp code?
Braedon replied to the topic Using Modular Sensors for METER Teros 12 in the forum Environmental Sensors 1 years, 1 months ago
No worries! I also just wanted to let you know that I have run into similar issues using the Teros 11 files where it won’t record all of the measurements.
Braedon replied to the topic XBee Networks of Mayfly Loggers – 900Mhz in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 1 years, 1 months ago
For anyone who would be interested in using these radio modules with modular sensors, I was able to transfer modular sensor readings from a Mayfly through the XBee Pro S3B to another XBee Pro S3B in transparent mode using the following lines of code in my void loop() function:
Braedon replied to the topic Using Modular Sensors for METER Teros 12 in the forum Environmental Sensors 1 years, 1 months ago
@srgdamiano could I get your help with these h/cpp files I created for the Teros 12 sensors? I am having some issues with my sensors not getting values other than -9999 when I have multiple Teros 12 sensors connected. When I use the Teros 11 modules, they all record together, which leads me to believe I set up my h/cpp files wrong. Could I get…[Read more]
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