Stephen H started the topic Yosemitech 511-a starting up twice? in the forum Environmental Sensors 6 months, 1 weeks ago
Using just the Yosemitech 511a, when it starts up it wipes 3 full times then does a reading. When I add the code for the Hydros CTD sensor, it seems that the 511a starts up twice and wipes a full 6 times?
Is this because the sensorPowerPin is the same for the CTD sensor and for the 511a? Or is my setup configuration incorrect?
Also anyone k…[Read more]
Stephen H replied to the topic Yosemitech 511-a no readings? in the forum Environmental Sensors 6 months, 1 weeks ago
Thank you Shannon! Really appreciate you looking and finding the problem
in my code. Works now!
Stephen H replied to the topic Yosemitech 511-a no readings? in the forum Environmental Sensors 6 months, 1 weeks ago
Unfortunately no other turbidity sensor, just using distilled water.
Emailed you the current code.
Stephen H replied to the topic Yosemitech 511-a no readings? in the forum Environmental Sensors 6 months, 1 weeks ago
Does the 511-a lose cal over time? Is it confused because we had it un-powered for over a year?
I’m waiting for a USB to RS485 adapter to try to use the smartpc utility to see if calibrating the unit will do anything, as well as see if the units are working correctly.
Stephen H replied to the topic Yosemitech 511-a no readings? in the forum Environmental Sensors 6 months, 1 weeks ago
Thanks Shannon,
I used mostly the same code but replaced the GUIDS and inserted into the originally working code for one of our current stations.
I initially tried with 0x01, and just tested again with 0x01. The wiper wipes 3 times and stops.
Readings for temp and turbidity are still -9999.0 and -9999.0.
Stephen H replied to the topic Yosemitech 511-a no readings? in the forum Environmental Sensors 6 months, 1 weeks ago
Also tried with another Yosemitech 511-a, same behavior so don’t think it’s an
issue with the sensor.
Stephen H started the topic Yosemitech 511-a no readings? in the forum Environmental Sensors 6 months, 1 weeks ago
Using the Yosemitech 511-a, with the regular code[snippet below], on a ver 1.1 mayfly, using the older modbus wing.
I get
YosemitechY511 at modbus_0x02 reports temperature is -9999.0 degreeCelsius
YosemitechY511 at modbus_0x02 reports turbidity is -9999.00 nephelometricTurbidityUnitThe sensor turns on, wipes back and forth 3 times, I…[Read more]
Stephen H replied to the topic Site visit log? in the forum Miscellaneous 9 months, 4 weeks ago
Found it. Very useful for monitoring the stations.
Stephen H started the topic Site visit log? in the forum Miscellaneous 10 months ago
I think Rachel showed me an awesome page on the monitormywatershed.org site that allowed me to track and log information when you visit a station. Would anyone know where that is or how to get to it? I can’t seem to find it now.
Stephen H replied to the topic 2022 EnviroDIY Hardware Status and Availability in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 1 years, 4 months ago
Any update on when the RS485 adapter will be available? Or possible alternatives? Thx.
Stephen H replied to the topic Transfer MMW Site Owner in the forum Monitor My Watershed 2 years ago
Thank you!
Stephen H replied to the topic Transfer MMW Site Owner in the forum Monitor My Watershed 2 years ago
We’d like to do the same, is there a way to transfer site ownership? Thanks!
Stephen H replied to the topic Code change for Meter Hydros 21 CTD in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 2 years, 7 months ago
Does the new setting still work with the older sensors? Do we need to maintain 2 sets of code? Thx.
Stephen H replied to the topic Mayfly 1.0, USB C not connecting on Ubuntu 22.04? in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 2 years, 8 months ago
Was able to get serial port monitor working on Ubuntu 22.04.
- remove brltty package, it’s for console braille communications.
sudo apt remove brltty
sudo apt autoclean && sudo apt autoremove - disable modemmanager package, I used the instructions on this page
Both…[Read more]
- remove brltty package, it’s for console braille communications.
Stephen H started the topic Mayfly 1.0, USB C not connecting on Ubuntu 22.04? in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 2 years, 8 months ago
Hey newbie here, just starting out with the Mayfly board. Trying to connect to a board that doesn’t seem to be sending. I’m using the Arduino IDE, serial port monitor. But using lsusb, I’m not seeing the cp210x connection. Using an TTGO board, I do see the cp210x connection. This board was in the field, I never tried to connect to it befo…[Read more]
Stephen H became a registered member 3 years ago