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Issue w/ mac communicating w/ v0.5b board

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger Issue w/ mac communicating w/ v0.5b board

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    • #18434
        Hello, I have been trying to connect to a board to get a sketch loaded on but the Arduino IDE is not communicating with the board. The errors I have received are:

        • avrdude: stk500_recv(): pr
      • #18439

          Update: I removed the SD card and everything started to work fine. That doesn’t really explain the problem though so would love it if someone has any ideas what was going wrong.

        • #18440
          Shannon Hicks
            Have you tried a different microSD card?  Either it’s a defective card or sometimes one or more of the pins in the microSD card socket can get damaged when inserting a card and cause a short-ci
          • #18443

              I was actually having trouble with both. It is now working with the onboard socket.

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