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Issues with compiling modular sensors library

Home Forums Miscellaneous Issues with compiling modular sensors library

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    • #14271
        I have made good progress with the learn EnviroDIY course.  However, I have yet to succeed in compiling my .ini files when the modular sensors library is included under  lib_deps.  I skipped over t
      • #14274
        Sara Damiano
          Well compiler errors are never fun.

          It looks like platformio didn’t complete the recursive dependency library installation correctly.  That sometimes happens when it’s trying to install

        • #14276

            The pio lib install worked!  Thank you so, so, so much.

          • #14277
            Sara Damiano

              Yay!  I’m glad it worked!

            • #18444
                I am also working through the learn EnviroDIY course (amazing resource and really thorough!) and having the same issues as letsid. I have tried the pio lib install to no avail. Any ideas of things to
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