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Geographically Scaling Modular Sensors

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger Geographically Scaling Modular Sensors

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  • Author
    • #14092
        Just wondering how other people are deploying multiple Mayflys with the same Modular Sensors and interfaces. I’ve written a blog on how I’m planning on it, so this is a space for responses
      • #14094
        Jim Moore
          I am currently working on setting up an array of Low Cost EC sensor Stations in Great Marsh,
        • #14096
            Hi Jim. Thanks for the description.

            What the ‘ini’ reader does is read a file on the  Mayfly microSD card called ms_cfg.ini – in that file is all the configuration information that

          • #14097
            Jim Moore
              Sorry forgot to add the links: GMI_test and GMI_EC1.  The other sites GMI_ECx
            • #14098
              Matt Barney
                Hi Neil,

                Thanks for opening up this important topic, and for sharing your work!

                This idea of scaling up one’s Mayfly installations is really coming to the fore at my organization, Trout Unlimi

              • #14100
                  Hi Jake

                  Good to hear about it. I’d be happy to do a PR on it.

                  One of the other areas I believe for scaling for a group is quality testing. For every commercial company I’ve been with, be

                • #14174
                    I’m added a new capability for the Mayfly to program its internal EEPROM with geographical specific pieces of information.
                    When a site is visited, this will allow the retrieved uSD card to be re
                  • #17336
                      @rogers1313 great to hear of your project from the technical questions thread.
                      This thread on scaling may be of interest.
                      I just posted a lot of links for scaling systems, and I forgot that env
                    • #17337
                        @rogers1313 Some other links .. I’m trying four links to see if it passes the spam filter ..
                        • #17338
                          Heather Brooks
                            Hi Neil! Jumping in here as site admin to explain about link limits. You’re correct: a common characteristic of comment spam is a large number of hyperlinks. That said, you should be able to pos
                        • #17335
                            (edit : thanks Heather this is post had got stuck) @rogers1313 great to hear your project (from your posts in the (edit : thanks Heather this is post had got stuck) @rogers1313 great to hear your project (from your posts in the https://www.envirodiy.org/topic/mayfly-v1-1-technical-questions-forum-thread/#post-17333)

                            – thanks for filing your profile https://www.envirodiy.org/members/rogers1313/profile/

                            I’m similar EE/and FirmWare – https://www.envirodiy.org/members/neilh20/profile/ – youre welcome to email me dreictly, but this is also a good place for discussing how to deploy.
                            Matt is also deploying for TU https://www.envirodiy.org/members/mbarney/profile/
                            This thread may be of interest – I’m targeting my fork for easy deployment and reliable delivery of readings .

                            I’m scaling some systems for Tu N California, and documenting some of it through this (but an open source wip).


                            For low cell phone service I’m using an android app “Phone Signal” https://inpocketsoftware.com/phone-signal-cell-strength-overview/ for doing a survey.
                            A note, IMHO the core https://github.com/EnviroDIY/ModularSensors works for where there is reliable phone service – excluding some 90% of potential coverage range where the cell signal may be marginal.

                          • #17366
                            Erik G
                              This is very interesting @neilh20 ! I learnt something new reading up on HEX- and INI-files and it would be of great help with a method like this.

                              I will try your examples and see if I can be of any

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