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Low Cost EC sensor Station upgrade

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger Low Cost EC sensor Station upgrade

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  • Author
    • #14038
      Jim Moore
        I currently have six of the subject sensor stations (Photo of GMI_EC2 attached) deployed and logging data to SD cards. I recently setup two of these stations using PlatformIO to load the DRWI_CitSci.
      • #14060
        Jim Moore
          @srgdamiano I decided to go back to basics with

        • #14062
          Jim Moore

            I seem to have “detached” my screen shot

          • #14081
            Jim Moore
              Hi Sara @srgdamiano

              I think I have gone as far as I am able on my Low Cost EC sensor project.  I ad

            • #14082
              Jim Moore

                @adamgold  Hi Adam-

                Dave Bressler suggested I contact you for my issues noted above.



              • #14083
                Adam Gold

                  Hi Jim – To get the linear correction, you should be able to make a calculated variable in .ino file and have that reported to MMW. It looks like there’s no code for calculated var

                • #14084
                  Jim Moore

                    Hi Adam-

                    Thanks for getting back to me.  Since my software expertise is limited and I do

                  • #14095
                    Jim Moore
                      <h4 class=”user-nicename”>@chuckkir</h4>
                      Thanks Chuck for offering to help with my coding issues.  I have two sets of code that I am currently testing with my

                    • #14156
                      Jim Moore

                        Thanks Chuck for getting my Sensorex RTD voltage divider output converted to °C.  I plan to leave the EC as the raw value from the AtlasScientific EZO circuit.  Attached is the code addi

                      • #14379
                        Jim Moore
                          Hi Sara  @srgdamiano

                          I haven’t used PIO for several months but in preparation for the transiti

                        • #14380
                          Sara Damiano

                            Is your Mayfly turned on and plugged in? That error means your Mayfly isn’t being detected.

                          • #14381
                            Jim Moore
                              Thanks.  I am using the FTDI port and wiggled some plugs, etc and now is loading ok.  I assume when I was getting that error the mayfly was plugged in and turned on because when I attempt to load wi
                            • #14382
                              Sara Damiano
                                The access is denied error doesn’t mean the Mayfly is off, it means something else (another program or window on your computer) is monopolizing that serial port. Usually you see it when you try
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