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Erik G

  • This is very interesting @neilh20 ! I learnt something new reading up on HEX- and INI-files and it would be of great help with a method like this.

    I will try your examples and see if I can be of any help.

  • Sorry for being so vague. I will try to clarify.

    Is it not the order of the parameters given in the constructor that matters when creating a new object?

    If the sensor constructor looks like this:

    KellerNanolevel(byte modbusAddress,
                  Stream* stream,
                  int8_t powerPin, //Power pin of sensor.
                  int8_t powerPin2…

    [Read more]

  • Hi Neil,

    It is very basic but I guess every journey must start somewhere…

    The first code snippet is from the example code in the menu a la carte example. I’ve edited my first post just to clarify that.

    The second one is from the Modular sensor library.


  • I would like to add a gas sensor which communicates over RS485 to work with the modular sensor library but having the normal issues with me lacking the programming skills needed.

    I have used the Yosemitech and Keller librarys as a template and tried to make it as basic as possible.

    When checking the example code for the modbus sensors i get…[Read more]

  • Yes, that is true. We could maybe use 50 cards but I probably won’t make it right the first time and then I have 50 cards to recycle.

    I used the board file to make some shields but this is something another level. I will have a look around at the University for some expertise in the matter.

    Maybe it is simpler for us to use something like a f…[Read more]

  • I have been thinking about order some Mayfly boards through some PCB assembly service (because the board is not available in Sweden where I live).

    Does anyone have any suggestions or hints how to do it with the Mayfly board?

    I saw somewhere that Shannon Hicks soldered some parts of the board herself. I guess I can try to order the board and see…[Read more]

  • I’m not expecting you to fix all my problems, but I’m very grateful for any help I can get. I prefer this kind of bug though…

    It was actually very instructive to go through the libraries and trying to learn how they work. It was driving me nuts when it was working with the deep debug flag but it finally made sense.

    I totally missed @neilh’s…[Read more]

  • Finally some progress when I got some help.

    In the modified ThingsSpeak sketch the constructor was the problem.
    YosemitechY504 y504_1(y504ModbusAddress1, modbusSerial, modbusSensorPower, max485EnablePin, y504NumberReadings); -> did not work
    YosemitechY504 y504_2(y504ModbusAddress2, modbusSerial, rs485AdapterPower, modbusSensorPower,…[Read more]

  • /*****************************************************************************
    Written By:  Sara Damiano (sdamiano@stroudcenter.org)
    Development Environment: PlatformIO
    Hardware Platform: EnviroDIY Mayfly Arduino Datalogger
    Software License: BSD-3.
      Copyright (c) 2017, Stroud Water Research Center (SWRC)
      and the…

    [Read more]

  • It feels like a memory leak but I can’t see why. I tried to modify the thingspeak example but then everything got messed up and the pins scramled. I’ll try with another computer and see if I can find the bugs in my code. Probably something very simple.

  • My reply is very hard to read especially when all my spacing got removed. Sorry for that:)

    Attaching a .ini didn’t work so here it is:

    ; PlatformIO Project Configuration File
    ;   Build options: build flags, source filter
    ;   Upload options: custom upload port, speed and extra flags
    ;   Library options: dependencies, extra library storages

    [Read more]

  • To answer your questions:

    -I’m using platformio on VSCode. (I’m really not comfortable using it but these kind of problems is good for actually learning hands on. There is a lot of strange things in there that I don’t understand and I wish I could find a really good tutorial how to work with it.)
    -Attached my “platformio.ini”
    -I’ve tried both…[Read more]

  • I’m totally lost. Tried the “data_saving”-example as is and the logger restarts even if I keep the enable pin at -1. Doesn’t make a difference if I detach everything from the Mayfly and I tried both different usb-cables and FTDI-cable.

    The “thingspeak” example works if I don’t add any Yosemitech libraries/sensors in the code. I wonder if I’m…[Read more]

  • Wow, I just realized I didn’t really post any real question and still you are helping=)I’m really thankful and impressed by all your effort.

    I have ordered a module with automatic flow control from Amazon but I didn’t want to wait for it to arrive so I started with what I had.
    The module I have has been working nicely before but this time I…[Read more]

  • I trying to set up a Mayfly logger with two Y504 oxygen sensors but are running into some problems.

    I could not get my hands on any of the RS485 modules you are using in the examples and had to try one I had on the shelf.

    This is is the module I’ve been using with 3.3V Arduinos before:
    Mikroe rs485 3.3v click

    The module work with the examples…[Read more]

  • That is fantastic news! It will speed up my preparations for the coming field season. Thanks for all your work!

  • Erik G posted a new activity comment 8 years ago

    That looks very nice. Did you have any ESD-problems with that foam and those cases? I’ve tried to use some fake pelican boxes (made of PE plastic I belive) as enclosures for electronics and had huge problems; as soon as I came close to the box the electronics went crazy.

    • No, I haven’t had any problems with the foam or the cases. In fact, in some of the loggers in locations with a strong cellular signal, I skip the external antenna for the GPRS module and simply use a small PCB antenna and simply tuck that antenna between the small Mayfly enclosure and the foam.

  • Is there any chance that the Mayfly boards will be able to buy in Europe in the near future?
    Would really be a time saver to buy exactly what I need on a PCB instead of building it out of Arduino modules or designing the entire board myself.

  • Erik G became a registered member 8 years, 9 months ago