Welcome to EnviroDIY, a community for do-it-yourself environmental science and monitoring. EnviroDIY is part of WikiWatershed, an initiative of Stroud Water Research Center designed to help people advance knowledge and stewardship of fresh water.
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Streamlining EnviroDIY

On February 3, 2020, we will be turning off two community features in order to streamline the user experience. The features that will be deactivated are:

  • Status updates, the “What’s new, @username” text boxes found in various places on the website.
  • All interest groups such as Data Logger Developers, Sensor Developers, Researchers, Citizen Scientists, and Teachers.

Why Are We Doing This?

It became clear to us that EnviroDIY members were being presented with too many different places to ask questions. This led to useful content being scattered in different areas of the site, making it hard for members to see whether a question had been asked before — and harder for our team to ensure questions were answered in a timely fashion.

Moving forward, all questions should be posted on the forum.

Instructions for using the forum can be found here. When you post a forum topic you will be notified by email when someone replies. Additionally, you can choose which types of site activity you’d like to receive emails about:

You can change these subscriptions at any time. (There are additional email settings in My Profile > Settings > Email.)

Showcasing Your Work

If you have something other than a question to share — if you want to showcase something you’ve built or share tips and pointers you’ve learned — we’re always looking for guest bloggers. Email webmaster@stroudcenter.org for details.

Content Will Be Archived

We’re grateful for all of the members that engage with this DIY community and hope that these changes will encourage even more members to engage. And don’t worry, if you posted using one of the features we’re discontinuing, the content will still be available in the member activity update and group activity update archives.

Please email webmaster@stroudcenter.org with any questions or concerns.

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