Welcome to EnviroDIY, a community for do-it-yourself environmental science and monitoring. EnviroDIY is part of WikiWatershed, an initiative of Stroud Water Research Center designed to help people advance knowledge and stewardship of fresh water.
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New in Monitor My Watershed: Organization Site Ownership

Monitor My Watershed supports data capture and visualization functions for the EnviroDIY and Leaf Pack Network communities, which are part of the WikiWatershed Toolkit. Monitor My Watershed 0.17.0 was released last week, introducing significant changes to site ownership.

The underlying data structure has moved from having individuals own sites to ownership through organizations. This change is necessary to support and unlock new features, such as allowing governance of sites by multiple individuals and better management of sites for organizations.

New Features

  • Users can now be affiliated with multiple organizations.
  • Users can now transfer sites between affiliated organizations and individual accounts.
    • Select “My Sites” from the upper left corner of Monitor My Watershed.
    • Select a site and use the “Edit” function on the upper right corner.
    • Use the drop-down under “Deploy Site For” to change which organization or individual has responsibility for the site.
  • The Browse Sites page loads faster.

What Happened to the Sites Associated With My Account?

All users now have an individual organization affiliated with their account. Sites solely associated with your account (i.e., not associated with another organization) were automatically transferred to your new individual organization. Any sites associated with another organization were transferred to that organization.

Why Can I Suddenly View a Bunch of Extra Sites?

If your account is affiliated with multiple organizations, those organizations’ sites will now be displayed on your My Sites page. Sites will be grouped by affiliation so you can still tell which sites are associated with your individual organization and which are through organizational affiliations.

How Can I Add or Remove Accounts That Are Affiliated With My Organization?

As of this release, there is no interface for organization management, though we identify that as a priority feature to be developed. If you need organization management, you can contact support at help@monitormywatershed.org.

More Improvements to Come, Thanks to Subscribers

This release is just one of many improvements planned for Monitor My Watershed. Our next release, v0.18, will include significant performance improvements and new batch upload capabilities.

The new paid subscription model for accounts with more than one active site will help cover Monitor My Watershed’s operating expenses, allowing us to fundraise for new features and enhanced functionality. If you’re a subscriber, thank you for helping sustain and improve Monitor My Watershed!

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11 months ago

Thanks for the update, its nice to get the visibility on what is coming.
Of course the real world is its also useful to know when something change, and then adapt to it ….. or sometimes its a case of figuring out its not working and write an issue on it https://github.com/ODM2/ODM2DataSharingPortal/issues.

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