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uBee R410 setup issues

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger uBee R410 setup issues

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    • #13538
        After I successfully got the uBee U201 to work for my application, Sodaq stopped producing that model and now only offers one based on the R410. So I’m working on getting the uBee R410 to work.
      • #13541
        Sara Damiano
          Ugh. I should just get one of these R410 uBee’s just to help other people out.

          It looks like it’s powering down when it’s supposed to be waking up and visa-versa.

          I could babble a

        • #13542
          Sara Damiano

            I’ve attached some annotations showing what’s happening in your logs.

          • #13545
              Hi Sara,

              Thanks for the reply and the helpful annotated logs. Unfortunately, that didn’t fix it, and it’s still doing the hard reset. Bummer! This issue seems reminiscent of the last post

            • #13551
              Sara Damiano
                Yes, it’s probably related to the same issues that @acgold had. These ublox modules just seem to be so much more finicky than the 2G SIM800’s were.

                Could you try switching to the “

              • #13560
                  Thank you Sara.

                  Inching closer. Prior to switching to the modemLast branch I tried something similar to what @acgold suggested. I added the following lines:

                  if (modemVccPin >=

                • #13561
                  Sara Damiano
                    Doh. Yes, I thought of that as I was driving home. Do add the lines setting the wake pin high.

                    Do you know what version of the firmware you’re running? To check, you can eit

                  • #13576
                      Thanks Sara. Some more info for you. First, the CGMR and GMR commands both result in the response ERROR, as you can see in the output below.

                      Additionally, it sometimes seems to struggle getting a con

                    • #13582
                      Sara Damiano
                        It’s awesome that you’ve created your own publisher! I’m really excited you’ve been able to pick up and modify this library to be useful for somethin
                      • #13584
                        Sara Damiano
                          Oh, and yes, the issue with NIST is really common. There have been a few GitHub issues about it. I’m trying to connect over TCP to the daytime server. That server is designed to respond to an
                        • #13586
                            Sara, this is really amazing support. Thank you very much for your contributions to the community.

                            Unfortunately, problems persist. As far as I can tell, switching to synchronous close did not improv

                          • #13594
                            Sara Damiano
                              Now it’s the asynchronous open that’s causing trouble. That *should* be blocking. The program should not continue until the URC arrives. I will need to test that more.

                              Anyway, another

                            • #13596
                              Sara Damiano
                                Oh, no, the hold for the URC *is* working. It’s just not holding for long enough. It gives up after 75s and the code wasn’t smart enough to differentiate between a ‘0’ = noth
                              • #13597
                                Sara Damiano

                                  I am so very unimpressed with the SARA R410. It does not deserve its name.

                                • #13612
                                    Thank you Sara. Unfortunately those changes didn’t do the trick. I may have to fall back to using some GPRSbees for this project and hope that T-Mobile doesn’t shut down their 2G towers to
                                  • #13614
                                    Sara Damiano
                                      I’m sorry!  The SIM800 definitely has quirks, but it’s better than this.  We have had better luck with the Mayfly and Digi LTE XBee3’s than you have had with the UBee, but I’
                                    • #13615
                                      Sara Damiano
                                        As for T-Mobile’s 2G, the most recent I’ve found says no guarantee past the end of this year.  A while ago they were saying that they would maintain the same coverage area for 2G up until
                                      • #13621
                                          Cool, thanks for that info. Yeah, I have found the GPRSbee to be pretty good; we have four of them that have been operating for over a year now and they all just keep trucking along.

                                          It’s stran

                                        • #13628
                                          Sara Damiano
                                            That does seem worthy of a new thread; those are the Bee’s we’re using so I’m more familiar with them.  They’re easier for us to get (no international shipping), similar in pr
                                          • #13702
                                            Sara Damiano

                                              I just pushed some improvements yesterday to the EnviroDIY fork of TinyGSM that should help with the uBee.

                                            • #15414
                                                Hi….so the gadget never gets a CSQ or CGATT?

                                                It is safe to say that you are appropriately taking care of the ublox module? You’ll need to supply it with a battery or supercap as the hasty

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