Welcome to EnviroDIY, a community for do-it-yourself environmental science and monitoring. EnviroDIY is part of WikiWatershed, an initiative of Stroud Water Research Center designed to help people advance knowledge and stewardship of fresh water.
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Learn Do-It-Yourself Electronics for Environmental Monitoring

This workshop will help you learn the skills necessary to assemble, program, and deploy a water monitoring station, but with the understanding that the DIY journey has just begun!

New Mayfly v1.1 release date and Product Status page

The new Mayfly v1.1 boards will be available starting March 10, 2022.

New Tutorial: Learn EnviroDIY Programming

I’m a scientist with a limited amount of coding background and an even more limited understanding of electrical engineering, and EnviroDIY Modular Sensors on GitHub has made Arduino framework environmental monitoring possible for me. This blog post will point you to a tutorial that is intended to get end-users like me doing Arduino framework environmental monitoring like a pro. The Arduino Revolut...[Read More]

Build Your Own EnviroDIY Monitoring Station

Stroud Water Research Center recently unveiled a comprehensive manual for building, programming, deploying, and maintaining an EnviroDIY Monitoring Station.

EnviroDIY Sensors Track Road Salt Levels in Streams

During 2017, Stroud Water Research Center provided over 30 EnviroDIY sensor stations to watershed groups working in the Delaware River Basin to support monitoring, education, and outreach.

Webinar: Do-It-Yourself, Real-Time, Low-Cost Environmental Monitoring Solutions

Introducing resources and tools you can use to build data loggers that can form the core of your DIY freshwater or terrestrial monitoring system.

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