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Erik G

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  • in reply to: RS485 without auto direction control #13476
    Erik G

      To answer your questions:

      -I’m using platformio on VSCode. (I’m really not comfortable using it but these kind of problems is good for actually learning hands on. There is a lot of strange things in there that I don’t understand and I wish I could find a really good tutorial how to work with it.)
      -Attached my “platformio.ini”
      -I’ve tried both manual install and to let platformio do it.
      -Now updated/upgraded/cleaned
      – This is how the lib_dep folder looks like:
      v libdeps\mayfly
      -I was pretty sure AltSoftSerial was the problem since I got some errors when including it when using the mayfly board both in Arduino
      IDE and platformio but that seems to work now.
      -If I now focus on the “data_saving”-example which I know I didn’t corrupt with my own programming I might be misinterpreting the output
      based on my past problems with my own code (modified version of the Thingspeak example). When using your platformio.ini without the debugflags I get the output as attached in file “output1.txt”. Every 15 sec I get a new line of “Now running data_saving.ino on Logger XXXXX”
      When using the debug flags I get whats in output2.txt
      Then the Y504 seems to update. Maybe I was waiting for a output similar to the thingspeak-example? The testbutton didn’t work which made me assume something was wrong.

      The debug flags are very helpful. I totally missed to try them. The buffer setting in my terminal is probably to low to catch enough but i learned i can save the log to a text file with “pio device monitor > Filename.txt” in the terminal. Also very helpful.

      Oh I forgot to replace the gprsbee which I removed the

      in reply to: RS485 without auto direction control #13471
      Erik G

        I’m totally lost. Tried the “data_saving”-example as is and the logger restarts even if I keep the enable pin at -1. Doesn’t make a difference if I detach everything from the Mayfly and I tried both different usb-cables and FTDI-cable.

        The “thingspeak” example works if I don’t add any Yosemitech libraries/sensors in the code. I wonder if I’m doing anything wrong with PlatformIO? I have to add https://github.com/SRGDamia1/NeoSWSerial.git and https://github.com/EnviroDIY/SoftwareSerial_ExternalInts.git
        to the “platformio.ini” of the “data_saving”-example even if the .ini-file on github don’t use it.

        Tried the same code with a Sodaq Mbili and it behaves exactly the same.

        Anyone who can help me where I should start with the debug?

        in reply to: RS485 without auto direction control #13465
        Erik G

          Wow, I just realized I didn’t really post any real question and still you are helping=)I’m really thankful and impressed by all your effort.

          I have ordered a module with automatic flow control from Amazon but I didn’t want to wait for it to arrive so I started with what I had.
          The module I have has been working nicely before but this time I can’t get it to work. In the past the timing turning the Enable pin low has been tricky for me. For simple programs I’ve used delays but I tried something like Nick Gammon’s solution under “Flushing the output” RS485 communications. But not in this case.

          I using the “logging_to_ThingSpeak”-example with one Yosemitech Y504, AltSoftSerial (pins 5&6) and RE/DE on pin 4.
          On my module the RE/DE are coupled together so you only need one pin. The restart happens even if I disconnect everything from the Mayfly logger. And the only way to stop it from happen is to set the “max485EnablePin” to -1. I will try some more examples to see if I can get it right with my coding.

          in reply to: board layout files #12836
          Erik G

            That is fantastic news! It will speed up my preparations for the coming field season. Thanks for all your work!

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