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board layout files

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger board layout files

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    • #12733
      daniel furuta

        My apologies if this has been answered – a search didn’t turn anything up.

        Are layout files (or gerbers) posted somewhere for the MayFly? I need to make a shield for a project we&

      • #12734
        Sara Damiano

          No, the gerbers are not available.

        • #12735
          daniel furuta
            Is there a dimensioned drawing or anything for the shield footprint? I understand that the goal is to prevent counterfeiting, but this doesn’t make it so easy to integrate the MayFly into one
          • #12736
            Shannon Hicks
              I just posted the Eagle files for the protoshield: https://github.com/EnviroDIY/EnviroDIY_Mayfly_Logger/tree/master/hardware/protoshield

              Is that sufficient for what you need for making your own shie

            • #12737
              daniel furuta

                That’s perfect, thanks! I appreciate it.

              • #12769
                  This is my first time to use Eagle. I downloaded the free version (maybe this is the issue) in an effort to view the protoshield dimensions. When I try to open the .brd file, I get the following error
                • #12770
                  daniel furuta

                    I use KiCad, so I can’t help unfortunately – but here’s an image with some of the dimensions. If you need any others I can add them. The pin headers are 0.1″ spacing.

                  • #12791

                      My error was indeed in how I downloaded the files. Shannon, thank you for setting me straight. Daniel, thank you for the image.

                    • #12803
                      Shannon Hicks
                        For those interested in the Eagle files for the full Mayfly board, we have released the Eagle .brd and .sch files for the latest Mayfly v0.5b board.
                      • #12807
                        Anthony Aufdenkampe
                          Yes! The Mafly logger is now fully open source hardware!

                          We also packaged things up nicely, including additional documentation from @shicks, into official releases, https://github.com/EnviroDIY/Envir

                        • #12836
                          Erik G

                            That is fantastic news! It will speed up my preparations for the coming field season. Thanks for all your work!

                          • #16638
                            Erik G
                              I have been thinking about order some Mayfly boards through some PCB assembly service (because the board is not available in Sweden where I live).

                              Does anyone have any suggestions or hints how to do

                            • #16647
                                @Erik_G just an FYI, its made to look easy by Shannon, however it takes a lot of experience to get it right and then make it available as purchase.

                                Typically to do an order with a PCB assembly servic

                              • #16653
                                Erik G
                                  Yes, that is true. We could maybe use 50 cards but I probably won’t make it right the first time and then I have 50 cards to recycle.

                                  I used the board file to make some shields but this is somethin

                                • #16663
                                    Erik any board that has a  SAMD21 with a uSD/flashDrive and  external RTC DS3231 https://www.adafruit.com/?q=DS3231&sort=BestMatch is probably a good target for using with ModularSensors.  http
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