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RS485 without auto direction control

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger RS485 without auto direction control

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  • Author
    • #13456
      Erik G
        I trying to set up a Mayfly logger with two Y504 oxygen sensors but are running into some problems.

        I could not get my hands on any of the RS485 modules you are using in the examples and had to try o

      • #13460
        Sara Damiano
          I have never gotten the communication to work correctly using manual flow control, but it should not be causing your board to restart. I’ll look into it.

          When using manual flow control, you hav

        • #13461
          Sara Damiano
            Also, I’m really surprised you couldn’t find an adapter with automatic flow control. Where were you looking? There are a bunch on Amazon. This is one brand I’ve bought: https://w
          • #13462
            Sara Damiano
              Ok, I broke out the 3.3V RS485 chip I have (an LTC1480) from the “someday I’ll test this” box. I’d boug
            • #13463
              Sara Damiano

                I was feeling cocky after the LTC1480 worked and pulled out the Max485 and level shifters. Zero success with communication, but I didn’t have any problems with the program crashing.

              • #13465
                Erik G
                  Wow, I just realized I didn’t really post any real question and still you are helping=)I’m really thankful and impressed by all your effort.

                  I have ordered a module with automatic flow c

                • #13471
                  Erik G
                    I’m totally lost. Tried the “data_saving”-example as is and the logger restarts even if I keep the enable pin at -1. Doesn’t make a difference if I detach everything from the M
                  • #13475
                    Sara Damiano
                      Oops. I’d meant to cut the code using NeoSWSerial and SoftwareSerial from that particular example but apparently cut it only from the example platformio.ini file.

                      Can you post your platformio.

                    • #13476
                      Erik G
                        To answer your questions:

                        -I’m using platformio on VSCode. (I’m really not comfortable using it but these kind of problems is good for actually learning hands on. There is a lot of strang

                      • #13479
                        Erik G
                          My reply is very hard to read especially when all my spacing got removed. Sorry for that:)

                          Attaching a .ini didn’t work so here it is:

                        • #13480
                          Erik G
                            It feels like a memory leak but I can’t see why. I tried to modify the thingspeak example but then everything got messed up and the pins scramled. I’ll try with another computer and see if
                          • #13483
                            Erik G
                            • #13485
                              Erik G
                                Finally some progress when I got some help.

                                In the modified ThingsSpeak sketch the constructor was the problem.
                                YosemitechY504 y504_1(y504ModbusAddress1, mod

                              • #13487
                                Sara Damiano
                                  I’m sorry I haven’t responded. My family is finally finished with a fun round of stomach bugs.

                                  Were you by chance talking with @neilh or did you just happen to get to the same place at a

                                • #13492
                                    Sara sorry about the stomach bug. Life is challenging when the rulers of the internal ecology get distracted with nasty bug invasions.

                                    thanks for the fix ~ I just noticed this conversation today.


                                  • #13527
                                    Erik G
                                      I’m not expecting you to fix all my problems, but I’m very grateful for any help I can get. I prefer this kind of bug though…

                                      It was actually very instructive to go through the libr

                                    • #13531
                                        Hi Erik, Sounds like we ended up working on the same issue at about the same time.
                                        Great to hear you have a basic path forwards. I am very much a fan of the open source ModularSensors and EnviroDIY w
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