Hi Neilh20,
After some tests and new code I succed with reading PH data from sensor with I2C, and trasmitting them to datalogger over the SDI-12.
Actually, I must left the slave device in listening
Hi Neilh20,
After some tests and new code I succed with reading PH data from sensor with I2C, and trasmitting them to datalogger over the SDI-12.
Actually, I must left the slave device in listening mode every time using: mySDI12.forceListen();
For some reason I didn’t proceed that way… but finally I could find the way 😉
This is working in AVR MCUs. I have tested in atmega328 (Arduino ProMini 5V-16MHz) and atmega32u4 (Arduino Leonardo).
I developed the project with VSCode and PlatformIO and Arduino framework, using envirodiy/SDI-12@^2.1.4 library.
I’m attaching a complete project. I will proceed with new features… 🙂
I hope the code can help someone else
Thank you,