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SDI-12 Slave

Home Forums Other Data Loggers SDI-12 Slave

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    • #17848

        I’m trying to create an I2C PH sensor over a SDI-12 bus.

        I’m using a Arduino Leonardo to read sensor data over I2C and then send it to the datalogger over a SDI-12 bus.

        I have a

      • #17853
          Hi @dani68k, welcome to EnviroDIY.

          I’ve not got any experience on the ATmega32u4, and as a small AVR processor I would think you would need to customize your development for it. SDI-12 bit bang

        • #17875
            Hi Neilh20,

            After some tests and new code I succed with reading PH data from sensor with I2C, and trasmitting them to datalogger over the SDI-12.

            Actually, I must left the slave device in listening

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