Welcome to EnviroDIY, a community for do-it-yourself environmental science and monitoring. EnviroDIY is part of WikiWatershed, an initiative of Stroud Water Research Center designed to help people advance knowledge and stewardship of fresh water.
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Tracking River Flow with GPS

Travel distance is critical for studying many aspects of river ecosystems, and sometimes it’s more accurate to measure, not just predict, how far river water travels over time.

Virtual Do-It-Together Workshop Helps Citizen Scientists Get Monitoring Faster

This was the first workshop of its kind in which attendees were guided through the entire process of assembling, programming, and installing an EnviroDIY monitoring station from start to finish.

Hemispherical Shield to Reduce Fouling of Campbell Turbidity Sensor

Sensor fouling greatly reduced our confidence in the turbidity data. We decided to test a hemispherical shield for ease of construction and installation.

Protecting EnviroDIY Monitoring Stations From Beaver Damage

One area of vulnerability for EnviroDIY Monitoring Stations is rodent damage and in particular beavers. Beaver tend to bite anything that gets in their way while in the water and they have very sharp teeth!

Building a Continuous Temperature Logger with the EnviroDIY Mayfly

This document outlines what you will need to build a Continuous Temperature Logger with the EnviroDIY Mayfly Data Logger. This is a great EnviroDIY starter project and utilizes the Mayfly Data Logger and a OneWire Temperature Sensor.

Monitoring Coastal Streams With the Mayfly Data Logger and Atlas Scientific Sensors

Adam Gold from the University of North Carolina Institute of Marine Sciences explains how the unique characteristics of coastal streams influenced his monitoring station design.