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Reply To: Error Compiling for board EnviroDIY Mayfly 1284p

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger Error Compiling for board EnviroDIY Mayfly 1284p Reply To: Error Compiling for board EnviroDIY Mayfly 1284p

Shannon Hicks

    It looks like you’re having the same issues a few other people have reported lately. We’re working on a fix, but in the meantime, the easiest thing to do is to replace all your “MyDocuments/Arduino/libraries” files with the stable versions from last summer.  In order to do this, you’ll have to delete all the current library files on your PC.  If you’re only using a Mayfly board with the standard sensors and accessories we typically recommend, and you haven’t downloaded other library files for other non-EnviroDIY devices or equipment, then it’s fine to delete all your library files.  If you HAVE downloaded other non-EnviroDIY library files for other things, then don’t proceed because you’ll delete the files for those other things.  Otherwise, follow these instructions:

    First, close the Arduino IDE (it’s best to do this without the IDE running).  Then use Windows File Manager (assuming you’re on a windows PC) to browse to MyDocuments/Arduino.

    In there you’ll see any customized sketches you’ve saved, plus a folder called “libraries”

    Double click on “libraries”, and in that folder you should see about 45 folders (if you’re using the most recent version of ModularSensors and it’s dependencies).  Highlight them all (using Ctrl+A) and then hit Delete key (or right click on them with the mouse and choose Delete).

    Now you should have a libraries folder that is completely empty.

    Now use your browser to visit this page: https://github.com/EnviroDIY/ModularSensors/releases

    Scroll down to the May 17, 2024 entry which is for version v.0.35.0

    At the bottom of that section, click on “Assets” and you should see 3 files listed.  Right-click on the one called “ModularSensors_Dependencies_v.0.35.0.zip” and save the file to your computer.

    Now use windows File Manager to double-click on that zip file.  Inside it you should see 32 folders.  Select all of them, hit Ctrl-C to copy (or right-click and Copy).  Then switch to the empty “libraries” folder within your “MyDocuments/Arduino” folder, and paste the 32 directories into the libraries folder.

    You have now installed the old, stable versions of the library files.  Restart your Arduino IDE and you should still have all your saved personal sketched in the Sketchbook, and when you compile the sketch for your logger, you should have no errors now.