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Monitor My Watershed Hits the Cloud!

Monitor My Watershed Hits the Cloud!

As of December 7, 2021, Monitor My Watershed is now hosted on the Amazon Web Services cloud. Users will notice increased responsiveness, speed, and reliability, along with a new and improved Time Series Visualization that replaces the outdated Time Series Analyst. While some of you may miss certain features of the old TSA, don’t fret, improvements are on the way (more on that below).

Working tirelessly in the background is the Monitor My Watershed team here at Stroud Water Research Center and our partners at LimnoTech. We are very excited about the many enhancements that are now possible with this migration to the cloud. If you want to learn more about the updates to the underlying Observations Data Model Version 2 Data Sharing Portal, check out Anthony Aufdenkampe’s Github release post. The big news is that LimnoTech has updated the entire software stack to long-term support versions of all component dependencies.

As more cause for celebration, the Stroud Center received an Imagine Grant from Amazon Web Services to make Monitor My Watershed even better. The grant will allow us to shift into high gear to make Monitor My Watershed the premier open source, environmental-IoT data-sharing portal in the world. You’ll see the first of many improvements on Time Series Visualization over the coming months, but there is much more to come!

P.S. For those who experienced a data lag during this process, thank you for your patience! Remember that all data reported to Monitor My Watershed during this transition has been saved and will be restored in the coming months (see @aufdenkampe post #16165).

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