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Status update on MMW?

Home Forums Monitor My Watershed Status update on MMW?

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  • Author
    • #16138
      Matt Barney
        Just wondering if we could please get a status update on MMW. Most of our sites have now been offline for ~21 hours. My colleague replaced a Mayfly and modem this morning (for a separate issue), and i
      • #16141
          I’m seeing the same – and strange data losses been going on since 2021-12-03 20:15 PST,
          I’ve entered it as

          I also asked thr

        • #16144
          Heather Brooks
            @mbarney, @neilh20, thanks for your posts. The switch from the LimnoTech server to Amazon Web Services happened shortly after 13:00 EST on December 7. LimnoTech’s team is seeing that their produ
          • #16150
            Anthony Aufdenkampe
              @mbarney, @neilh20, thanks for pinging us.

              As @heather mentioned, we released MonitorMW v0.12 yesterday at that time, which has some major under-the-hood improvements to substantially improve reliabi

            • #16153
              Matt Barney
                Thanks @heather, and @aufdenkampe, that does makes sense, with the symptoms we’re seeing. Good to know that the data are not being lost in the interim.

                Shutting down the old server temporarily

              • #16157
                Matt Barney
                  We tried the Hologram SIM pause idea on one station, but it had no effect, which isn’t too surprising.

                  , please keep us informed about the timing of the temporary shutdown of the ol

                • #16158
                  Anthony Aufdenkampe
                    @mbarney, wouldn’t that have been great if the Hologram pause worked! Thanks for trying it out!

                    Have you seen any of your sites start re

                  • #16159
                    Matt Barney
                      We have 1 site that resumed uploading data at 12/8/2021 14:45 ET. We’re assuming that the volunteer restarted it.

                      5 additional sites are uploading after we restarted them, and 19 sites have not

                    • #16160
                      Anthony Aufdenkampe

                        @mbarny, that is very helpful to know that you have had success with power-cycling the stations. We’re seeing a few other sites switch over on their own in the last 24 hours.

                      • #16161
                          For my status, there is one site that started uploading, OK – which is good as its about 3hours drive time.

                          One site that hasn’t updated. Its on private land and requires permission to en

                        • #16162
                          Shannon Hicks
                            All of our stations that are using our new sim7089 EnviroDIY LTEbee made the changeover automatically.  The majority of our stations that still have the Digi Xbee LTE module have been offline since t
                          • #16164
                            Matt Barney
                              Interesting – we have 1 site with the new LTEbee, and it also weathered the cutover successfully.

                              , As of now, we’re not seeing any of our Digi stations that are able to uploa

                            • #16165
                              Anthony Aufdenkampe
                                @mbarney and others,

                                After doing some research, we decided that shutting down our old servers for 30 minutes would not likely force the DNS o

                              • #16166
                                Matt Barney

                                  Thanks @aufdenkampe, that sounds like a great plan. I like the idea of the forwarding log too.

                                  We’ll watch for a change in stations’ status once the proxy is in place.

                                • #16167
                                  Anthony Aufdenkampe

                                    We started the proxy forwarding about 45 minutes ago, so all data should now be rerouted from our old servers to the new servers on AWS.

                                    Let us know how things look!

                                  • #16168
                                      Thanks for the update. The system that I had that wasn’t reporting this morning is now reporting – https://monitormywatershed.org/sites/TUCA_PO03/ as of Dec. 10, 2021, 10:30 a.m. (UTC-08:
                                    • #16169
                                      Matt Barney

                                        @aufdenkampe – I’ve confirmed that indeed, all stations are now reporting data as expected.

                                      • #16170
                                        Anthony Aufdenkampe

                                          @neilh, do a hard reset of your browser cache our URL to get TSV working on Chrome. That is definitely the issue there. We’ll be adding “cache-busting” code in our next update.

                                          • #16175
                                            Jake Lemon
                                              Hi Anthony. Will the cache-busting code negate the need for MMW users to clear their cache to view sparklines? And if so, do you have an estimate on when you’ll be doing the next update? I’
                                          • #16171
                                              I cleared browsing date for “cached images and files” & “browsing history” (a complete clear of everything is quite educational to recover from)
                                            • #18524
                                              Jim Moore
                                                “download Sensor data” was very slow to respond (several hours) now it doesn’t seem to work at all.  Does anyone know the status of this? Is there another portal to download station
                                              • #18525
                                                Jim Moore

                                                  Never mind!  “download Sensor data”  seems to be working now.

                                                  • #18528
                                                    Heather Brooks
                                                      @w3asa Glad to hear you were able to download your data. The Monitor My Watershed download function may not perform well if the file size is too large. Here are a couple of tips for avoiding download
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