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Shannon Hicks

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  • in reply to: Hydros21 sensors not returning data #18595
    Shannon Hicks
      When you did the address changing sketch, did you get a positive result using the serial monitor that showed the channel was changed to something other than 1?  Sometimes there’s a glitch where
      in reply to: Hydros21 sensors not returning data #18592
      Shannon Hicks

        Did you do the example “b_address_change” sketch first, to change the sensor’s default channel from 0 to 1?

        in reply to: Continous HAB monitoring #18574
        Shannon Hicks
          They are actually Turner Designs Cyclops-7F sensors that we use for measuring chlorophyll and phycocyanin  (https://www.turnerdesigns.com/cyclops-7f-submersible-fluorometer).  They are supported by
          in reply to: Solar quick connect pos/neg switched #18493
          Shannon Hicks
            That’s a good question, and something that I’m sure a few other people have accidentally done before, me included.  Luckily the charger chip and the Mayfly v1.0 and v1.1 board should not
            in reply to: AM2315C Compatibility #18462
            Shannon Hicks
              I’m not familiar with the new C model, but I did use the older, now-discontinued one awhile back.  Without digging into the manual and the library too deep, I’m guessing it might be an I2
              in reply to: Controlling 12-volt heaters with a power relay #18458
              Shannon Hicks
                That’s not much current, so most relay boards should be able to handle that with no problem.  I think that latching Grove board (https://www.seeedstudio.com/Grove-2-Coil-Latching-Relay.html) wo
                in reply to: Controlling 12-volt heaters with a power relay #18456
                Shannon Hicks
                  What’s the current draw of your heaters?  There’s a variety of relays you could use, but I know several people have had good luck with various Grove-compatible relay boards, like the ones
                  in reply to: Issue w/ mac communicating w/ v0.5b board #18440
                  Shannon Hicks
                    Have you tried a different microSD card?  Either it’s a defective card or sometimes one or more of the pins in the microSD card socket can get damaged when inserting a card and cause a short-ci
                    in reply to: Sensor Values Unrealistic and Unchanging #18423
                    Shannon Hicks
                      Sensor values of -9999 for the Hyrdos21 CTD sensor mean that the Mayfly board isn’t hearing any communication from the sensor.  Did you carefully follow all the directions in the Monitoring Sta
                      in reply to: Could not wake modem for clock sync. #18400
                      Shannon Hicks
                        The UUIDs for the various parameters are generated by the MonitorMyWatershed website.  When you created the site for your particular station, you had to manually add whatever parameters you were inte
                      Viewing 10 posts - 1 through 10 (of 531 total)