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Controlling 12-volt heaters with a power relay

Home Forums Infrastructure and Equipment Controlling 12-volt heaters with a power relay

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    • #18453
        I have some apogee pyranometers and pyrgeometers for my monitoring stations, and each of these sensors has an internal heater that helps to clean off snow, rain, and frost. The heaters operate at 12 v
      • #18456
        Shannon Hicks
          What’s the current draw of your heaters?  There’s a variety of relays you could use, but I know several people have had good luck with various Grove-compatible relay boards, like the ones
        • #18457

            I have four sensors with heaters, and combined they draw 61.6 mA.

            • #18458
              Shannon Hicks
                That’s not much current, so most relay boards should be able to handle that with no problem.  I think that latching Grove board (https://www.seeedstudio.com/Grove-2-Coil-Latching-Relay.html) wo
            • #18459

                This looks like a great option. Thanks Shannon for your help!

              • #18607
                  @shicks I wanted to run by what my thought process is with these relays and some of the questions I have now that I have purchased a few. I think my questions are general enough that you should be abl
                • #18633
                    @shicks I’m also going to be adding an air temperature sensor that has a 12-volt fan in the radiation shield. The fan can run at lower power by using pulse width modulation. I’m wondering
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