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Could not wake modem for clock sync.

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger Could not wake modem for clock sync.

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  • Author
    • #18335
      Noori Nagra

        I have spent the past week trying to fix my code to wake up the modem, but I have not been able to fix it. Every time I run the code, I get this: Could not wake modem for clock sync.  Meaning

      • #18336
        Shannon Hicks
          We’d need more information in order to troubleshoot your problem.  Are you using an EnviroDIY Mayfly board, and if so what hardware version do you have?  What cell or wifi board are you using?
        • #18344
          Noori Nagra

            Thank you for being so willing to help. I am using the Mayfly version 1.1 and the wifi/cell board is the Envirodiy LTE Bee. I am attempting to run the Modular Sensor code of Menu a la Carte on

          • #18347
            Shannon Hicks

              It’s likely that you deleted something important and that’s why the code isn’t working properly.  What sensors are you trying to use with your logger?

            • #18348
              Noori Nagra

                A CTD sensor (Decagon) and turbidity sensor (Campbell OBS3).

                • #18349
                  Shannon Hicks
                    The example code for a CTD/OBS3/SIM7080 station can be found here:  https://github.com/EnviroDIY/ModularSensors/tree/master/examples/DRWI_SIM7080LTE

                    The only changes you’ll have to make is to

                • #18350
                  Noori Nagra

                    Wow, thank you so much! I am very grateful for all of the help.

                  • #18398
                    Noori Nagra

                      I am still sadly having some difficulties and was wondering if you could help me overcome them.

                      This is the output I am recieving:

                      Now running DRWI_SIM7080LTE.ino on Logger Logger_George

                    • #18400
                      Shannon Hicks
                        The UUIDs for the various parameters are generated by the MonitorMyWatershed website.  When you created the site for your particular station, you had to manually add whatever parameters you were inte
                      • #18460


                          I was hoping to piggyback on this thread since I am having a similar problem with the clock sync and LTE connection. I am also working with a 1.1 Mayfly model with LTE Bee, hologram, and

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