James_NZ replied to the topic Hydros CTD-10 Regularly Dropping Out (-9999) in the forum Environmental Sensors 2 years, 12 months ago
Hi @shicks. I’m just wondering if you saw anything in the code above that might be causing this problem?
James_NZ replied to the topic Hydros CTD-10 Regularly Dropping Out (-9999) in the forum Environmental Sensors 2 years, 12 months ago
I’m leaning more towards an interaction with the MODBUS wing. I had one station that produced -9999’s constantly when the Turbidity sensor was plugged in, and operated fine when I removed the MODBUS wing. This drove me nuts until Anthony pointed me towards the complex loop code where I set the Turbidity sensor to low a…[Read more]
James_NZ started the topic Hydros CTD-10 Regularly Dropping Out (-9999) in the forum Environmental Sensors 2 years, 12 months ago
Hi all,
Around 50% of my sites have a problem where the CTD drops out on a regular (not predictable) basis. This results in -9999 values which may persist for a few readings before returning to normal.
I still get a data record out of this, but the resolution is lower and I would like to fix it if possible.
Has anyone experienced this…[Read more]
James_NZ replied to the topic Interference between HYDROS CTD and Yosemitech Turbidity Sensor in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 3 years ago
Okay, after a good night’s sleep I decided to tackle this again and I think I have fixed it. I simply added a line before the internet connection loop:
It’s now logging to MMW. Please let me know if this is fundamentally wrong or will cause problems in the future.
James_NZ replied to the topic Interference between HYDROS CTD and Yosemitech Turbidity Sensor in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 3 years ago
Hi @aufdenkampe,
I have followed your advice and I think this is working, i.e., I am no longer having problems with -9999 values for the CTD.
However, the complex loop code is preventing publication of data to MMW. I’m sure this is something simple, but I can’t seem to figure it out.
I have tracked the issue to the line where the code checks…[Read more]
James_NZ started the topic Editing MMW Data Record in the forum Monitor My Watershed 3 years ago
Hi all,
Is there any way to edit the data record for a site on MMW? I have had some problems with one site and would like to delete a section of the data record that is erroneous. I can’t seem to find an option to do this anywhere?
James_NZ replied to the topic Interference between HYDROS CTD and Yosemitech Turbidity Sensor in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 3 years, 1 months ago
Thank you Anthony. It sounds like this may be the problem. It seems strange that I have 9 of 10 sites operating perfectly, but this site refuses to play nice. I will try your solution when I get some time over the Christmas break.
Have a great Christmas and New Year.
James_NZ started the topic Interference between HYDROS CTD and Yosemitech Turbidity Sensor in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 3 years, 1 months ago
Hi all,
I have a frustrating problem at one of my sites where the turbidity sensor seems to be interfering with CTD readings resulting in -9999 readings for all CTD measurements. I’m using a DIY MODBUS shield for the turbidity sensor, and when I remove that the CTD reads perfectly. This puts me in a situation of only being able to read the C…[Read more]
James_NZ replied to the topic Data not appearing in sparklines or on Time Series Analyst in the forum Monitor My Watershed 3 years, 2 months ago
I still have the same issue for my sites too.
Also TSA only seems to show battery voltage and Mayfly board temperature.
James_NZ replied to the topic Data not appearing in sparklines or on Time Series Analyst in the forum Monitor My Watershed 3 years, 3 months ago
Thanks for the info Neil. Glad to know it’s not something I am doing wrong!
James_NZ started the topic Data not appearing in sparklines or on Time Series Analyst in the forum Monitor My Watershed 3 years, 3 months ago
Hi all,
I have just installed six sites which seem to be calling in reasonably reliably. The data is showing for each measurement but only EnviroDIY sensors are show a sparkline and are able to be examined in TSA. I can download a dataset from each site and analyse it in excel but would like for the community to be able to see data in TSA.
I n…[Read more]
James_NZ started the topic Presentation at INTECOL conference 2021 – An IoT sensor network for…. in the forum Miscellaneous 3 years, 4 months ago
Kia ora Whanau (Hi friends),
I recently presented at the INTECOL Wetlands/Freshwater Science conference on an IoT Sensor Network I’m looking to develop using Mayflies. Here’s a link to the presentation which might be of interest to some of you:
Happy to answer any questions.
Kind Regards,
James_NZ started the topic How to communicate with a new MODBUS device in the forum Environmental Sensors 3 years, 6 months ago
Hi all,
My workplace is purchasing a new TriOS Opus nitrate sensor, and I’m wondering if I could get this working with the Mayfly.
It communicates via MODBUS RS-485, so I figure my DIY modbus wing should be able to facilitate communication. However, I don’t really know where to begin after…[Read more]
James_NZ replied to the topic XBee-3 LTE Availability? in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 3 years, 7 months ago
Thanks Neil.
I contacted the NZ branch of SApply and they have around 40 in stock, but that’s it for a while. It sounds like it’s related to the issues that are plaguing the semiconductor supply chain at the moment.
James_NZ started the topic XBee-3 LTE Availability? in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 3 years, 7 months ago
Hi all,
It seems that there is now a global shortage on XBee-3 LTE’s. Does anyone know anywhere that has them in stock?
I contacted DIGI and they claimed a lead time of 52 weeks.
James_NZ started the topic Helium Network- Compatibility with Mayfly in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 3 years, 8 months ago
Hi guys,
Im just wondering if anyone has considered using the Helium network with the Mayfly? Essentially it’s a LoRaWAN network where the infrastructure is owned by the public. They are incentivising network expansion by rewarding hotspot owners with HNT, their own cryptocurrency.
Im interested because there is potential to establish a local H…[Read more]
James_NZ replied to the topic Hydros 21 CTD – Losing connection? [SOLVED] in the forum Environmental Sensors 3 years, 8 months ago
I had a lightbulb moment today that seems to have fixed my problem. I switched the 3.3v jumper to 5v. Success!! I guess it was brown-out.
James_NZ replied to the topic Hydros 21 CTD – Losing connection? [SOLVED] in the forum Environmental Sensors 3 years, 8 months ago
I have switched my pin for the HYDROS 21 CTD from D7 to D11, but I seem to be having the same issue. It’s worth noting that I don’t get -9999 values when plugged into my computer. Could it have something to do with power?
My code is b…[Read more]
James_NZ replied to the topic Hydros 21 CTD – Losing connection? [SOLVED] in the forum Environmental Sensors 3 years, 8 months ago
Hi Shannon,
Yes I am on D7 for the CTD. I am using the default pins for the mayfly modbus wing (https://github.com/EnviroDIY/Mayfly-Modbus-Wing/tree/master/Modbus-Mayfly_WingShield):
Communication is hardwired to Mayfly digital pins 5 & 6, which enable use of the AltSoftSerial library. Read more at our Notes on Arduino Streams and Software…
James_NZ started the topic Hydros 21 CTD – Losing connection? [SOLVED] in the forum Environmental Sensors 3 years, 8 months ago
Hi all,
I am testing a Mayfly setup with a HYDROS 21 CTD and a Yosemitech 511-A turbidity sensor. The Turbidity sensor is working well, but the CTD seems to intermittently dropping in and out (see attached MMW plots).
Any thoughts on what might cause this? I have set the CTD address to channel 1 as per instructions. I did notice that the…[Read more]
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