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Data not appearing in sparklines or on Time Series Analyst

Home Forums Monitor My Watershed Data not appearing in sparklines or on Time Series Analyst

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    • #16097

        Hi all,

        I have just installed six sites which seem to be calling in reasonably reliably.  The data is showing for each measurement but only EnviroDIY sensors are show a sparkline and are able to be examined in TSA.  I can download a dataset from each site and analyse it in excel but would like for the community to be able to see data in TSA.

        I noticed that this issue has been raised on Github previously but it has been closed:


        Can anyone provide some advice on how to get this functionality working?

        Example sites include:

        Thanks in advance,




      • #16098

          James, gosh nice to see systems up and going, seems like the TSA interface is being rebuilt

          • #16099

              Thanks for the info Neil.  Glad to know it’s not something I am doing wrong!



          • #16132
            Vinay Ayala

              Any idea when this will be available? I dont see my data on the time series as well. It says No data exist for this variable.

            • #16133

                I still have the same issue for my sites too.

                Also TSA only seems to show battery voltage and Mayfly board temperature.


              • #16134
                Heather Brooks

                  @ayalavinay, @james-dareboprc-govt-nz: Just a heads up that a new version (v0.12) of Monitor My Watershed has just been pushed from staging to production (at ~13:15 EST today). Please look for a release post here on EnviroDIY.org in the next day or two from @aufdenkampe outlining improvements to the data portal.

                • #16135

                    Hey wow good to see. I’ve been experimenting on the staging version of this, and so the new TSA is much faster and slightly different, but soooo much better.!!.

                    What I’ve seen is initially the new graphs draw a years worth of data and auto-range.
                    It can be narrowed with the “Date Range” by clicking on Begin – and selecting a new start date. Then clicking Update Plot.
                    New sensors can be added through the “Add series” – with gorgeous colours.
                    Zooming in on data can be performed with visual selection – that is click on graph, hold mouse button down and move cursor, then release cursor

                  • #16136
                    Matt Barney

                      oof… what a day to release onto AWS! 🙂 https://techcrunch.com/2021/12/07/amazon-web-services-went-down-and-took-a-bunch-of-the-internet-with-it/

                      Nonetheless, happy to hear of this milestone for MMW!


                    • #16137

                        Interesting, thanks for the post. I was wondering I’m not getting data posted from my units.
                        However the data posted can be read, so seems only the backend has failed.
                        The last readings are Dec. 7, 2021, 9:45 a.m. (UTC-08:00)

                      • #16152
                        Anthony Aufdenkampe

                          Fortunately, we deployed to AWS region US-east-2 (Ohio) and it was the US-east-1 (Virgina) data center that went down, so our release yesterday was not affected by the AWS outage!

                          Unfortunately, we’ve seen two issues with caching mess up our otherwise smooth release:

                          1. Domain Name Service (DNS) caches are causing some devices to send data to our old production servers (see details at https://www.envirodiy.org/topic/status-update-on-mmw/#post-16150).
                          2. Browser caches are causing sparkline plots to again fail for some users, because your web browser still has old JavaScript in it that is pointing to a database that no longer exists.

                          The solution to #2 is to do a hard reset/delete/remove of your browser cache for monitormywatershed.org and related websites. This will cause your browser to fetch the latest JavaScript from our web servers, which will render the sparkline plots correctly.

                          Our first task for the next round of development is to add some “cache-busting” code into the app, so errors like #2 don’t happen again (See our GitHub issue #529).

                          Also, we won’t see #1 again, because now that we are on AWS, we will no longer need to change IP addresses when issuing a new release of the Monitor My Watershed web application.


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