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Interference between HYDROS CTD and Yosemitech Turbidity Sensor

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger Interference between HYDROS CTD and Yosemitech Turbidity Sensor

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    • #16198
        Hi all,

        I have a frustrating problem at one of my sites where the turbidity sensor seems to be interfering with CTD readings resulting in -9999 readings for all CTD measurements.  I’m using a

      • #16201
        Anthony Aufdenkampe
          The first explanation that pops to mind is that the DIY Modbus wing has power bleed from the digital pins when the power is turned off.

          Modbus stop bits are high, which leaves the AltSoftSerial trans

        • #16207
            Thank you Anthony.  It sounds like this may be the problem.  It seems strange that I have 9 of 10 sites operating perfectly, but this site refuses to play nice.  I will try your solution when I ge
          • #16281
              Hi @aufdenkampe,

              I have followed your advice and I think this is working, i.e., I am no longer having problems with -9999 values for the CTD.

              However, the complex loop code is preventing publication

            • #16287
                Okay, after a good night’s sleep I decided to tackle this again and I think I have fixed it.  I simply added a line before the internet connection loop:

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