Cal started the topic System Hangs with Hologram Outage in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 6 months, 2 weeks ago
During the Hologram outage last week, 12 of my old stations in the field (all Mayfly 0.5 and Digi modems) stopped reporting measurements over the Internet. Then when Hologram fixed the problem, 10 of these stations (which have been running since 2020), came back online and reported all their measurements including the time Hologram was down.…[Read more]
Cal replied to the topic Trouble locating information on new LTEBee in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 1 years, 11 months ago
Thanks all for your replies and help. I didn’t know about the MTU and limiting my message buffer under 1500 will easily solve that problem. I’ve put recovery code in my sketch to gracefully power down and reset the modem if it ever gets into a non-responsive state. I’ll be installing several units (Mayfly 1.1 and Sim7080) this summer. Thanks again.
Cal replied to the topic Trouble locating information on new LTEBee in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 1 years, 11 months ago
I’ve had 2 problems with the SIM7080G modem on the Mayfly 1.x board. I wonder if anybody else has had the same problems or has any information that would help me.
My code is uses the TinyGsm library, and some parts of the ModularSensors code but is otherwise custom code. The code has been working in the field with Mayfly 0.5 and Digi LT…[Read more]
Cal replied to the topic Yosemite library cant be found! in the forum Environmental Sensors 2 years ago
Thanks for the reply Neil. The only reason I picked this thread to post was it started with a title “library can’t be found”. That’s been one of my problems. Let me know if there is a better place to post.
Here’s a compile problem that I’m working on now: ….librariesModularSensorssrcsensorsApogeeSQ212.cpp:84:17: error: ‘class Ada…[Read more]
Cal replied to the topic Yosemite library cant be found! in the forum Environmental Sensors 2 years ago
Trouble Compiling
We have several installations of Mayfly .5 & Digi modems in the field running code we developed years ago on the Arduino IDE. This winter we want to convert our solution to run on our Mayfly 1.0 & SIM7080, so I started by downloading the DRWI_SIM7080LTE sketch + several libraries – and of course I can’t get it to compile. Que…[Read more]
Cal replied to the topic Battery Power Options in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 2 years, 9 months ago
Shannon – thanks for your thoughtful reply. I’m sure I’ll be able to find the problem now. Answering your questions:
- I’m not switching D22 on.
- Humidity is a possibility. I’ll look for corrosion and add desiccant .
- I’ve had ants at another location but not this one…yet.
- I’ll make some tests as you suggest to isolate the problem. It mi…
Cal replied to the topic Battery Power Options in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 2 years, 9 months ago
My stations as described above have been working fine for 3 years in the field. I’ve had a few components fail (12-5v buck converter, XBee daughter card, resistor divider) but otherwise very stable.
However, one Mayfly (0.5b) seems to be performing fine with 2 exceptions:
- the red LED3 is either solid ON or dim
- the ADC that records the 12v…
Cal replied to the topic Deep Cycle 12v Battery Recommendations in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 3 years, 1 months ago
After struggling with power problems for years and buying several brands of 12v batteries and also using multiple batteries in parallel, I discovered I was looking in the wrong area. The solution for me was to find where power was being used and replacing inefficient modules with efficient ones. And the problems I found were surprising and p…[Read more]
Cal replied to the topic Stronger cell antenna? in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 4 years, 2 months ago
We just had an experience with antennae that might interest others. We have a dozen sensor stations in the field measuring water level of lakes in north western Michigan. Each station has an SDI-12 water level sensor connected to a Mayfly with a Digi XBee3 Cellular LTE-M/NB-IoT modem using a $3.00 antenna from Adafruit …[Read more]
Cal replied to the topic MMW Data Outage? in the forum Monitor My Watershed 4 years, 7 months ago
All my devices came back online after 3:30 am ET – outage was around 15 hours by Hologram. I’m going to look at alternate providers if this happens again.
Cal replied to the topic MMW Data Outage? in the forum Monitor My Watershed 4 years, 7 months ago
I know Hologram is having trouble. None of my devices could connect for past 7 hours.
Cal replied to the topic Trouble initializing XBee3 LTE-M in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 4 years, 11 months ago
Yep – I had a problem with my library. All is good now. Sorry for the fire drill.
Cal replied to the topic Trouble initializing XBee3 LTE-M in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 4 years, 11 months ago
Sara noted above that she re-wrote TinyGsm – so I decided it was a good time to update all my code with new libraries. Trouble is, I can’t get TinyGSM with templates from EnviroDIY GitHub to compile on the Arduino IDE (I’m not using PlatformIO). I’m sure I’m making a simple mistake or compiler option but can’t figure it out being a novice C++ p…[Read more]
Cal replied to the topic Trouble initializing XBee3 LTE-M in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 4 years, 11 months ago
More news:
- The cutting and soldering of the Mayfly and XBeee adapter mentioned above works great! I can now programmatically reset the modem if it gets into a non-responsive state. I’m thinking of ditching my Sleep Mode code and instead doing a Shutdown(SD) and power off via A5 between communications. It may be less error prone and it does u…
Cal replied to the topic Trouble initializing XBee3 LTE-M in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 4 years, 11 months ago
I had something interesting happen to me last week – a brand new XBee (with brand new firmware 11415) + brand new SIM card would NOT connect to the tower for days. In desperation, I changed the Carrier Profile from 0 to 2 (AT&T) and it connected immediately. After that, I changed the CP back to 0 and it connects fine.
All of my inst…[Read more]
Cal replied to the topic Trouble initializing XBee3 LTE-M in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 4 years, 12 months ago
From time to time, some of my XBee radios in the field get into a state that won’t communicate. Even though I can successfully execute AT commands nothing I’ve found but a power recycle will get it out of that state and communicating again. One thing that can cause the problem is a power brownout but there are other causes that I don’t underst…[Read more]
Cal replied to the topic Low power project in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 5 years, 7 months ago
From what I read in the documentation, the following sketch should include these libraries for concurrent SDI-12 and RTC support.
#include <SDI12_PCINT3.h>
void setup() {}
void loop() {}But I get compile error:
librariesEnviroDIY_PCInt_PCINT0Sodaq_PcInt_PCINT0.cpp.o (symbol from plugin): In function…[Read more]
Cal replied to the topic Battery Power Options in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 5 years, 9 months ago
Thanks, Shannon, for your response, clarifications and tremendous work with the Mayfly. Addressing your questions:
I’m powering the CS451 with the same 12v battery that powers the Mayfly from the 12-5v USB converter. The ground (-) of the Mayfly & battery are common. I could not find anywhere in the Campbell Sci specs the voltage level for the…[Read more]
Cal replied to the topic Battery Power Options in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 5 years, 9 months ago
Next week I’m deploying several units – Mayfly with XBee using Hologram SIM, logging data from CS451 SDI-12 pressure transducers. They are replacing old 12v systems with Microhard 3G modems and CR300 Dataloggers. The old modems are power hungry and unreliable. The AT&T service is expensive and 3G will go away eventually. The dataloggers have…[Read more]
Cal replied to the topic GPRSBee in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 5 years, 9 months ago
After a few months of successful communication with the DIGI XBee3, I am now starting to get failures with longer and successive Internet messages. Delays between sending messages helps.
I believe the problem is power related even though I’ve made the solder jumper. Once the XBee fails to transmit, I have to power-cycle it or airplane mode…[Read more]
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