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Deep Cycle 12v Battery Recommendations

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger Deep Cycle 12v Battery Recommendations

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    • #16265
        Can anyone recommend a good 12v deep cycle battery for use with the Mayfly 0.5 board. I have a station that gets very little sun and would like to be able to power it for long periods of time and swap
      • #16266
          After struggling with power problems for years and buying several brands of 12v batteries and also using multiple batteries in parallel, I discovered I was looking in the wrong area.  The solution fo
        • #16267
            I’m also deeply into power analysis as the way of keeping everything going. I was working with some engineering students and got them to do a spreadsheet, which I modified and added and can be u
          • #16269
              edit to the above email:  Sorry I don’t have any experience with the 12V batteries, or 12V to 5V.

              I would note that the Mayfly1.0 charger is different than 0.5b, and I’m seeing that it w

            • #16305
                Thanks for your input Neil and Cal. I pulled my station from the field where the battery was not recharging so I could do some testing. I’ll report back with my testing results to see if anyone
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