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Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger GPRSBee

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  • Author
    • #12349
        I have very recently purchased a Mayfly, GPRSBee (with SIM800H) and a Hologram sim card. Finding information on how to get the cellular communication working has been a nightmare. I’m sure the
      • #12350
          Hi Cal,

          I have been working on a tutorial, but it’s unfortunately nowhere near complete, and I will be away for the next week. I suggest using the Modular Sensors library on GitHub, where there

        • #12352
          Sara Damiano
            The modular sensors library that Beth references depends on TinyGSM for the majority of the cellular connection process. You may want to look at the code and examples in that library for help communic
            • #13874
              Jim Moore
                Hi Beth-

                I downloaded your tutorial that you started a 1 1/2 years ago.  Is there any chance you finished it?  It looks like just what I need as and Arduino IDE user trying to transition to Platfor

            • #12353
                Thanks for your posts Beth and Sara. The more I look into this, the more I believe that Sara is right; I just don’t have 2G service where I live. I found an old Raven 2G modem, plugged it in an
              • #12356
                Jim Moore
                  I can feel your pain, Cal. I am going to face the problem of data upload to the the cloud or whatever on some projects that I am contemplating. I have a Mayfly water sensor on my property and the 2G
                • #12362

                    Does anyone know when 3G will be available on the Mayfly?

                  • #12363
                    Shannon Hicks

                      There are 3G and 4G modules that work just fine with the Mayfly. Are you meaning you want instructions on how to do it, or you’re just looking for the hardware?

                    • #12366
                        Hi @ckillen, The Bee socket on the Mayfly makes it easy for the Mayfly to hook up with any radio with that connection/communication protocol. The socket can be used for several types of radios, includ
                      • #12370
                          Thanks Beth and Shannon, I’m finally getting a chance to get back to this.

                          I’m NOT using any sensor with the ADS115 chip so I’ll go back to my 2G setup and comment out those lines o

                        • #12376
                            I just received the Digi Xbee3 that I ordered a week ago. Now I need a little help with a sketch to get me started. I tried using the code that Beth suggested (Logging_to_EnviroDIY.ino) but never go
                          • #12377
                            Sara Damiano

                              Which ADS1115 library are you using? Make sure you’re using the soligen2010 fork at https://github.com/soligen2010/Adafruit_ADS1X15/ – Don’t use the Adafruit original.

                            • #12380
                                OK – I’ve cleaned up my library problems as suggested. I’ve paired down the logging_to_EnviroDIY.ino to the bare minimum to check out the modem. I also turned on some debugging and I
                              • #12381
                                Sara Damiano

                                  What was the bug you found?

                                • #12387
                                    I ordered some parts and I’m back working on this. I have 4 each of Mayfly’s (v0.5b), Hologram SIMs, and XBee3’s (XB3-C-A2-UT-001). I’ve had a little trouble getting the library straight and
                                  • #12390
                                      Hi Cal, there’s a thread on GitHub about getting this thing up and running. Looks like others are having trouble as well. Perhaps contributing your debugging will help things along.


                                    • #12414
                                        I’ve cut the trace at SJ13 and made the solder bridge to directly connect the LIPO battery to the modem. Now the LTE-M XBee doesn’t reply to anything – I’m sure it’s not
                                      • #12488
                                        Sara Damiano
                                          Huh.. I don’t know why the XBee would entirely stop responding. Does it still respond on XCTU? Could you have accidentally put it to sleep?

                                          So far I have not managed to get my LTE-M XBee to c

                                        • #12727
                                            After a sabbatical of several months, I’m now back working on the LTE-M XBee and I HAVE IT WORKING!

                                            For software, I’m using:
                                            – StreamDebugger
                                            – Parts of Diagnostics.ino
                                            – TINY_GSM_MODEM_XBE

                                          • #12741

                                              I have the hardware:

                                              Mayfly Datalogger v0.5b
                                              Digi XBee3 Cellular Lte-M/NB-Iot – XB3-C-A2-UT-001
                                              No antenna – 3 bars of AT&T on my iphone
                                              Soldered SJ13 and cut trace BEE-Vcc to 3

                                              • #12746
                                                  Hi Brian,

                                                  I’m in Minneapolis too and was just troubleshooting something similar yesterday. The main fix that I needed to make, along the lines of what Cal posted was increasing the timeout time

                                              • #12748

                                                  I want to try those things but don’t have enough experience yet to know exactly how. When you reference TinyGSM (increasing the timeout time) what exactly do you mean by TinyGSM? And def

                                                • #12749

                                                    I feel your pain. I tried to get started months ago with logging_to_envirodiy and gave up. I believe the code is at too high a level to understand what is going on, what’s working and w

                                                  • #12750

                                                      When I went to Carrier Profile 2 (at&t) instead of CP 0, my connect time decreased by about 1 minute. Not a huge improvement. I’m hoping my long connect time is due to poor cell sig

                                                    • #12751
                                                      Sara Damiano
                                                        Ugh. I’m sorry you’re having so much trouble understanding what’s going on in ModularSensors. It’s a very heavy-weight library.

                                                        While you’re deep debugging your modem

                                                      • #12754
                                                        Sara Damiano
                                                          I’ve spent a lot more time playing with the LTE-M XBee3 so I think I can help a bit better now.

                                                          I cannot get it to connect without the solder jumper – it just needs the extra uumph. And

                                                        • #12755
                                                          Anthony Aufdenkampe
                                                            @srgdamiano, that is great news. Do your recent discoveries lead to a clear path for getting this to work with Modu
                                                          • #12756
                                                            Sara Damiano
                                                              I’ve made some tweaks to try to make the LTE XBee work better. Code wise, it should have already been working, though. The problem was more about slowness/inability to make a connection to the
                                                            • #12761
                                                              Jim Moore
                                                                I noticed that Atlas Scientific sensors are not in the ModularSensors list. I have built two EC sensor stations that are currently deployed in Great Marsh primarily to monitor stormwater runoff from t
                                                              • #12764
                                                                Adam Gold
                                                                  I’m having a similar problem with the LTE-M Xbee3 that folks in this forum have already described, but slightly different. I have the same hardware as Cal and Brian, but I have a Taoglas LTE-M/N
                                                                • #12766
                                                                  Anthony Aufdenkampe
                                                                    @srgdamiano, thanks talking to me on the phone Wednesday afternoon, explaining to me all your recent advances and successes.

                                                                    All, I just answered that question on GitHub here: https://github.com/Env

                                                                  • #12774
                                                                    Sara Damiano
                                                                      I just want to be really clear that the very slow connection speed and non-response is A PROBLEM WITH THE XBEE ITSELF, NOT THE CODE.

                                                                      The messages like “no response rec

                                                                    • #12775
                                                                      Anthony Aufdenkampe
                                                                        @srgdamiano, thanks for making it really clear that the issues folks have been facing are primarily on the side of Digi’s LTE-M XBee3 hardware/software, and the work you’ve done with the M
                                                                      • #12782
                                                                        David Lutz
                                                                          Hi everyone,

                                                                          Very quick question. Something I didn’t see listed in the above replies has to do with antenna selection. Anthony or Sara, do you have a recommendation as to an antenna for one of

                                                                        • #12784
                                                                          Sara Damiano

                                                                            I haven’t done any comparisons, but I bought Taoglas Maximus FXBU66 antennas and they seem to work quite well: https://www.taoglas.com/product/maximus-fxub66-ultra-wide-band-flex-antenna-smam/

                                                                          • #12786

                                                                              I bought the PulseLarson W3554B0140 RF ANT 829MHZ/2.2GHZ PCB TRACE (https://www.digikey.com/products/en?keywords=553-2574-ND) and I’m pretty sure it works. It looks like the one that com

                                                                            • #12886
                                                                                After a few months of successful communication with the DIGI XBee3, I am now starting to get failures with longer and successive Internet messages. Delays between sending messages helps.

                                                                                I believe t

                                                                              • #12887
                                                                                Sara Damiano
                                                                                  There’s a known bug from Digi that any of the XBee3’s with revision “B” of the primary processor, where it will become unresponsive even with very short dips or irregularities
                                                                                • #12888
                                                                                  Anthony Aufdenkampe
                                                                                    Sara, thanks for your link to the bug on the XBee3 LTE-M RF Module. That is helpful to know that some of the issues folks have experienced were due to a known hardware bug. Do you know if the hardware
                                                                                  • #12889
                                                                                    Shannon Hicks
                                                                                      I bought some of the Xbee3 LTE-M modules a few weeks ago and they had hardware version D printed on them, so they appear to be the latest version. I also updated their firmware to a version that came
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