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MMW Data Outage?

Home Forums Monitor My Watershed MMW Data Outage?

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  • Author
    • #14311
      Robert S
        Is there a problem with the data age not updating on the MMW site or an outage of cellular coverage?

        I am seeing a lot of sites that haven’t been updated in the last 7 hours (at the time of t

      • #14313

          I know Hologram is having trouble. None of my devices could connect for past 7 hours.

        • #14314
          Robert S


            I see some sites came back online @ 7:15 UTC but some are still reporting out.

          • #14315

              All my devices came back online after 3:30 am ET – outage was around 15 hours by Hologram. I’m going to look at alternate providers if this happens again.

            • #14318
              Heather Brooks
                Hi folks, chiming in here to let you know that we now have a dedicated Monitor My Watershed forum! You can find it in the dropdown options under Forums in the main menu. I’ve moved this topic ov
              • #14319
                Jim Moore
                  I reposted this here from my post this morning on “infrastructure and equipment” forum:

                  “I noticed that what appears to be a general shutdown of the 2G network in the N. Chester cou

                • #14321
                  Shannon Hicks
                    There was a major worldwide outage with Hologram yesterday that is still being resolved. You can read more about the details here on their status page: https://status.hologram.io/

                    So it’s not

                  • #14322
                    Jim Moore

                      Thanks for the update, Shannon.  Are there any plans to buy a quantity of 4G hardware in the expectation of a discount?  I will need at least 8 and would be glad to help out where needed.

                      • #14326
                        Shannon Hicks

                          This is an equipment question and not related to MMW, so I’ll answer that in your other forum thread.

                      • #14323
                        Jim Moore


                          Since it’s not a MMW issue should I move my technical questions back to my original post on “infrastructure and equipment” forum?

                        • #14324
                          Robert S

                            My bad for starting this post in the wrong category. I should have paid more attention!


                            Forgive my ignorance about the technical details of cellular service but …
                            As for R

                            • #14325
                              Shannon Hicks
                                The station at Punches Run has been back online for several hours now. It has a 4G board on it. The cellular hardware is either 4G only or 2G only. The connectivity issues are occurring somewhere i
                            • #14328
                              Robert S

                                Okay. I misunderstood.

                                I thought you were saying that ONLY 2G stations were affected. I did see that the Punches Run station was back up this morning.

                                Thanks for the clarification.


                              • #14332
                                Shannon Hicks
                                  The Hologram network was back up and running early this morning, and there have been no further issues with their network today. All of the stations that lost connectivity on Sunday are functioning n
                                • #14333
                                  Anthony Aufdenkampe
                                    Thanks Robert, Cal, Jim and others for this thread, and to @shicks for providing all those updates on the Hologram situation.

                                    I would like to add that our team overseeing the Monitor My Watershed por

                                  • #14334
                                    Matt Barney
                                      Thanks, Anthony, for this informative post! It speaks to some questions we at Trout Unlimited have had about MMW, its current performance, and future direction, as we look to expand our Mayfly deploym
                                    • #14335
                                      Anthony Aufdenkampe

                                        Matt, I’m glad you found the update helpful! I would be interested in connecting with you to more of your perspectives and long-term needs, if that’s of interest to you.

                                      • #14376
                                        Anthony Aufdenkampe
                                          Hey All, we found an issue that cropped up in late June on the database server for Monitor My Watershed. We’ll be doing a planned maintenance shutdown today at around 12:30 ET to fix the issue,
                                        • #14453
                                          Anthony Aufdenkampe
                                            We think we found and fixed the major issue with slowness and 502/504 Gateway errors that have been increasing since this spring!

                                            Please let us know if you see any slowdowns from the web-browser or g

                                          • #14458
                                            Matt Barney
                                              Great news, @aufdenkampe! Thanks to you and your team.

                                              I ran a test overnight, with a Mayfly sampling every 5 minutes. Out of 179 samples sent to MMW, only one received Response Code 504, at 04:30 MS

                                            • #14462
                                                Hey good to hear.

                                                I haven’t been able to do a lot of testing, and I was out yesterday but I enabled a laptop computer to monitor one beta system overnight that is using verizon starting at 9pm

                                              • #14463
                                                  Over the last couple of days I’m getting very good response when using a WiFi, and the response time for 201 ack is sub 1second.

                                                  This is a fast check with 2min sampling time, and SendX=2, so de

                                                • #14464
                                                  Matt Barney
                                                    I repeated my test for another ~48 hour run, sampling every 5 minutes, but this time using WiFi instead of XBee3 cellular. All of my 548 sample points made it to the MMW database, and all POST message
                                                  • #14465
                                                    Anthony Aufdenkampe

                                                      Neil & Matt, thanks for that very good news from your testing!

                                                      I’m really glad to hear that everything seems to be working well again!!!

                                                    • #14466
                                                        The response is great.

                                                        For my WiFi/Xbee S6 accelerated updates 2min sampling update every 4minutes the ACK time over 700 POSTS time is between 200mS and  774mS.  All POST succeeding 1st attempt.


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