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Battery Power Options

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger Battery Power Options

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    • #1806
        Can the Mayfly be powered by a 4.5 volt alkaline battery pack? For a monitoring station under a bridge or in deep shade this would be an low cost option to supply power for long term logging where s
      • #1812
        Shannon Hicks
          Yes, you could attach a 4.5v alkaline battery pack to the LIPO battery connection, but since you never know who might come along later and plug a solar panel into the SOLAR jack, it’s good pract
        • #1854
          Bert Rubash
            I have a related question. Why should I not plug two LIPO batteries to the battery jacks. Is it because I would risk too much charging current? If I refrain from charging, wouldn’t having two ba
          • #1856
            Shannon Hicks
              The charging circuitry on the Mayfly isn’t capable of charging 2 parallel battery packs simultaneously, so it’s not advised to connect two packs to the Mayfly if you ever connect a mucroUS
            • #1857
              Bert Rubash

                Thanks, I’ll avoid plugging in two LIPO batteries.

              • #12843
                  I’m planning to replace some existing datalogging equipment with the Mayfly and keep some of the existing power equipment.

                  Today I have several stations each with Campbell Scientific dataloggers &a

                • #12845
                  Sara Damiano
                    Depending on the version of the Mayfly you have, there’s a 12V power input that you can step down and use. If I remember correctly, though, @aufdenkampe once told me he’d had smoother pow
                  • #12848
                      Thanks Sara. I think a cheap 12v to 5v phone charger will work well for me then.
                      As for the LiPo battery – I will use a small one. Our transmissions are short and the LiPo will be recharged fro
                      • #12850
                        Shannon Hicks
                          The Mayfly can handle up to 16v input without risk of blowing anything up. I designed it that way so people can power it with a 12v battery that’s also attached to a charger, so their battery s
                      • #12849
                        Sara Damiano
                          Oops, yes, sorry, the modem would have power without the battery, just not enough. The naked u-blox SARA R410 cellular chip uses just barely under half an amp at peak. (Assuming you’re using t
                        • #12853
                          Sara Damiano
                            Hopefully @aufdenkampe will confirm but I think he went the USB route mainly to avoid power losses in the step down. If you go that way you probably need a relatively expensive 12V to USB to make sure
                          • #12899
                              Next week I’m deploying several units – Mayfly with XBee using Hologram SIM, logging data from CS451 SDI-12 pressure transducers. They are replacing old 12v systems with Microhard 3G mode
                              • #12902
                                Shannon Hicks
                                  To address your points:
                                  1. Any power source connected to the 2 pins labeled “Ext 12v” will power the Mayfly but will not charge any LiPo batteries connected to the two LiPo jacks.
                              • #12903
                                Brett Melbourne
                                  I have a really similar issue (12V powered sensor + SPI-12) that I would appreciate some advice on. We want to monitor solar radiation (shortwave) under forest canopy, for which common silicon diode p
                                  • #12934
                                    Brett Melbourne
                                      Update. We decided to try the SP510. Seems to work fine with the ADS1115 set to max gain (GAIN_SIXTEEN) with differential measurement. Resolution is 7.8 uV, or 0.14 W m^-2. I ran it for a few days log
                                  • #12904
                                      Thanks, Shannon, for your response, clarifications and tremendous work with the Mayfly. Addressing your questions:

                                      I’m powering the CS451 with the same 12v battery that powers the Mayfly from

                                    • #17010
                                        My stations as described above have been working fine for 3 years in the field.  I’ve had a few components fail (12-5v buck converter, XBee daughter card, resistor divider) but otherwise very s
                                      • #17017
                                        Shannon Hicks
                                          For anyone reading this in 2022, the posts above in this thread are from 2016 to 2019, and the operating voltage and other electrical specification have changed with the Mayfly boards released in the
                                        • #17026
                                            Shannon – thanks for your thoughtful reply.  I’m sure I’ll be able to find the problem now.  Answering your questions:

                                            1. I’m not switching D22 on.
                                            2. Humidit
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