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Low power project

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger Low power project

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  • Author
    • #1735

        What is the power consumption of the Mayfly in sleeping mode? For some underground projects we cannot use solar pannel. What lifetime can we expect for a 1h logging interval? Is it the same as a

      • #1736
        Shannon Hicks
          When a Mayfly board is asleep, it draws around 0.27mA. If you have a microSD card in the socket, the card draws a little current on its own, so then the Mayfly draws around 0.43mA when sleeping with
        • #1822
          Shannon Hicks
            For anyone interested in putting their Mayfly to sleep between sensor readings, I recently posted this Sleeping Mayfly Logger example sketch:

          • #1877
              Hi Shannon.

              I try to combine the sleep mode code to my SDI12 logger code. Unfortunately the SDI12 library crash with the Sodaq PcInt library.

              I am not familiar with how Arduino library work. Is that

            • #1880
              Shannon Hicks
                The sleeping sketch I mentioned above works fine as long as you don’t use the SDI12 library at the same time. If you do, there’s some conflicts due to the SDI12 and SODAQ_Pcint libraries
              • #1887

                  Thx Shannon!

                  I will test it in coming days.

                • #1925
                    I tested the SDI12_Mod.h solely and the microcontroller will restart after begin the library 🙁

                    Problem solved(7 Feb 2017)
                    I am now using hardware interrupts D10 (you need to cut the trace solder a

                  • #12241
                    David Lutz
                      I wanted to resurrect this particular thread because we have been running into the same issue that Chan had. However, I note that there is a new variant of the SDI12 library as of roughly 2 weeks ago
                    • #12954
                        From what I read in the documentation, the following sketch should include these libraries for concurrent SDI-12 and RTC support.

                        #include <SDI12_PCINT3.h>

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