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Making Big Leaps in DIY Watershed Monitoring

The following is an excerpt from “A digital Mayfly swarm is emerging,” originally published as a project update in Eos. Read the full article on stroudcenter.org or access it on the Eos website.

A Digital Mayfly Swarm Is Emerging

Low-Cost, Open-Source Data Collectors and a Suite of Collaborative Online Tools Are Making Big Leaps in the Field of Watershed Monitoring.

A swarm of Mayflies is spreading from the Delaware River basin, but we’re not talking about fish food. Instead, autonomous, low-cost, open-source EnviroDIY Monitoring Stations are being deployed in streams, rivers, lakes, estuaries, and stormwater infrastructure to measure water quantity and quality. Tethered by cables to sensors underwater, these electronic sentinels stand inconspicuously on the bank of the waterway and stream data to users in real time from the cloud.

The Mayfly project started nine years ago at Stroud Water Research Center in Avondale, Pa., in an effort to reduce the cost of sensor-based monitoring of streams and soils. Five years later, following successful development and application of the Mayfly Data Logger for environmental monitoring in Avondale, the Stroud Center shared the device with the broader research community, which has adopted it for a wide variety of applications across the United States.

In addition to lowering the cost of environmental monitoring with open-source, do-it-yourself tools, the project has expanded to facilitate science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education; citizen science; and community-driven innovation, environmental modeling, and data sharing. Read more

Connect with the authors on EnviroDIY: Scott Ensign, David Arscott, Shannon Hicks, Anthony Aufdenkampe,Tara Muenz, and David Bressler.

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