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Monitoring power consumption

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger Monitoring power consumption

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  • Author
    • #14611
      Matt Barney
        I’m wondering what techniques people have used to monitor power consumption by their Mayfly installations in the field. On the desktop, I suppose you can measure the current being drawn from the
      • #14613
        Matt Barney
          It looks like this power sensor from Adafruit could work: https://www.adafruit.com/product/4226

          This sensor, with accompanying library from Adafruit, returns milliamps, millivolts, and milliwatts via

        • #14614
          Jim Moore

            I have the same issue.  I have my LEC stations (GMI_ECxx) running with 2G cell service and I did have one station that the solar charge chip failed and caused battery to drop below the 3.55

          • #14619
            Matt Barney
              Interesting, thanks Jim. I’ve been wondering whether one of our problem stations has a charge controller chip that’s impeding its charging, so we’re preparing to swap out the Mayfly
            • #14623
              Jim Moore

                I checked my GMI_EC5 station that I mentioned above that was not keeping up and I measured about 2.4 mA current draw when the mayfly is in sleep mode.  I thought it should be close to zero w

                • #14629
                  Shannon Hicks
                    Without having been to that station myself, it’s hard for me to guess why that station is having more battery trouble than your other ones. I’m guessing maybe it’s more shaded, or p
                • #14631
                  Jim Moore

                    Thanks for the info Shannon.  I will check out the GPRSbee and sd card to see if they are the cause of the 2.4 mA draw when in sleep mode.  I’ll try a new Mayfly board next.

                  • #14656
                      I’ve been using the INA219 and contributed sensors\TINA219
                      I’ve used it for measuring a working Mayfly on the lab bench. For  field monitoring, I would think you need a coloumb counter ~
                    • #14657
                        I should note, that for real world solar panels, the power supplied by the panel is  dependent on the solar photons received. For a  slow change in power delivery some circuits have some strange beh
                      • #14663
                        Matt Barney
                          Thanks for sharing this good work, Neil. This does get technical, and I have a lot to learn, but your experiences will be helpful. For the short term, our team is primarily interested in knowing appro
                        • #14664
                            Hi Matt, power is a challenge. I always think of those battery watches with a tiny battery in them. How do they do it.

                            My take is this. a) what is the minimum energy its going to collect across the r

                          • #14670
                              I’ve had a simple system soak testing. Its not meant to be a deployable system, but I’m using it for testing out powering related algorithms.

                              It has an Xbee WiFi, LiIon 500mA, measuring M

                            • #14711
                                I’m sharing some integration test results. I’ve been using a Vbat=4.0V threshold – that is under Vbat=4.0V it does sensor readings only, and stores the readings for later reliable data delivery.
                              • #14847
                                • #18181
                                  James P
                                    We have the standard Mayfly kit from TU…the sun here  in the winter is apparently never strong enough to charge the battery with the default solar panel and battery. The voltage reading may get
                                  • #18184
                                      @jp  thanks for sharing – power is a challenge when there isn’t enough of it. Finding enough power for your systems is the easiest step, – that is upsizing the solar panels, and ens
                                    • #18189
                                      James P
                                        Hi thanks for responding. I’m sure our system is undersized for our location. Today was a pure sunny day, last week we installed an extension pole and cable so the solar is up plenty high to get
                                      • #18190
                                        Shannon Hicks
                                          What version of Mayfly board do you have?  And what brand of cellular board?  There are a lot of combinations of hardware on EnviroDIY stations, and some are much more efficient than others.  Also,
                                        • #18192
                                            Hi @jp – I only install 2.5W or for a shady location I upgrade to 10W.   Can you share the site that is publishing on, and can see how fast the power went down.

                                            The non recharge batteries cou

                                          • #18194
                                            James P
                                              Thanks for the data, Our site has much more exposure to sun than in a redwood forest, and  is doing something similar:
                                            • #18195

                                                deleted and restated below

                                              • #18197
                                                  (previous post deleted and restated)     @jp – interesting data. It very much looks like up to early October the solar was del
                                                • #18200
                                                  Shannon Hicks
                                                    James, your station seems to be using power at a rate much higher than a usual CTD station.  Our Mayfly v1.1 boards with EnviroDIY sim7080 LTE board and a CTD sensor will see a decrease in the batter
                                                  • #18203
                                                      @shicks I agree it would be good to see the software. For my systems I look to have it last 14days before it reaches 3.8V and it is a difficult target unless its being tested for and the time taken on
                                                    • #18208
                                                      James P
                                                        I don’t believe any lights are on during the 15 minutes between data transfers. In the summer and fall lights would start blinking every 15 minutes, then stop for 15 minutes, etc. I’m not
                                                      • #18209
                                                        Shannon Hicks
                                                          If your sample/transmission rate is set to 15 minutes and you were getting that poor of a battery life out of your stations, then they definitely aren’t going into sleep mode, so I’d sugge
                                                        • #18210
                                                            @shicks surely the issue isn’t how long it lasts – it will always run  out of power at some point, or even worse batteries loose ca
                                                          • #18229
                                                            Matt Barney
                                                              I wrote the same code for all of the Spokane stations. Compare the battery behavior for SpokaneR-SpokaneValley (poor) to that
                                                            • #18237
                                                                Matt Thanks for posting. I’m away from my computer till next week, so I’ll be interested to look when I get back.
                                                                Seems like SpokaneRiver-Peaceful has good solar, and the battery never ge
                                                              • #18247
                                                                James P
                                                                  Yesterday I attached a powerbank to the usb-c port for a little over two hours. Two yellow lights were on, one near the usb-c port and one lower down. I also installed a 10w solar panel. When I detach
                                                                • #18250
                                                                  Shannon Hicks
                                                                    A description of the operation of the LEDs on the Mayfly board can be found here:  https://www.envirodiy.org/mayfly/hardware/det
                                                                  • #18252
                                                                    James P
                                                                      Thanks! So the yellow light was on because solar was charging, that’s good news. I assume that light is powered by the sun and not the battery.

                                                                      Our next step will be to replace the battery if t

                                                                    • #18254
                                                                      James P
                                                                        I’ve had a 5v 2.0A usb charger plugged in for 3.5 hrs. The yellow charging light is still on. I think it should take ~2.5 hours to fully charge a 4400mAh battery with a 2.0A charger, so it shoul
                                                                      • #18257
                                                                          @jp – the charger relationship doesn’t quite work that way. The 5V 2.0A is typically the stated maximum the charger can supply – however for the battery charger circuit there are lim
                                                                        • #18258
                                                                          James P
                                                                            Thanks for all your help. I believe that the bigger solar panel with >1A peak current, a 1A charging current to the board (jump SJ15), and a freshly charged battery should remedy the winter issues.
                                                                          • #18259
                                                                            Shannon Hicks
                                                                              You could also try putting an ammeter in line with the main battery (with no solar or USB connected) to monitor the current of the board during use.  When it’s sleeping, you should see a curren
                                                                            • #18260
                                                                                I haven’t had much luck getting to 0.5mA with mega1284, it was with the Mayfly 0.5b- https://www.envirodiy.org/topic/testing-power-consumption/#post-15252   My notes on measurements is that it
                                                                              • #18262
                                                                                James P
                                                                                  I have a multimeter that can measure amperage. I’m not sure how to get it inline with the circuit though without putting together a couple wires with the proper jst connectors…I’m no
                                                                                • #18305

                                                                                    @jamesp I wonder how the systems are faring?

                                                                                  • #18323
                                                                                    James P
                                                                                      Turns out, it was the micro sd cards. We had two units with Sandisk Ultra 32gb cards, and two with different cards. One was a Sandisk “industrial” 8gb card, I forget the other one but it w
                                                                                    • #18339
                                                                                        @jamesp  thanks for sharing. Interesting where the “banana skins” are to slip on.

                                                                                        Nice to know its got low quiescent current – end of last year I also  got the same  SanDisk Indu

                                                                                      • #18340
                                                                                        James P

                                                                                          See attached, a picture is worth a 1000 words. This one has the 4400mAh battery. Installed the new micro sd card yesterday.

                                                                                        • #18342
                                                                                            Congrats – nice to see.

                                                                                            I guess the fundamental problem of power management is still there and can bite any time the power drops – and then likely will require a site visit to get the sit

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