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Testing power consumption

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger Testing power consumption

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  • Author
    • #15247
      Matt Barney
        Hi all,

        I’ve been doing some testing to measure the amount of power consumed by my Mayfly during various modes, and thought I’d share my results here. I’m interested in any and all

      • #15248
        Shannon Hicks
          It sounds like your Mayfly is not actually going to sleep.  An idle Mayfly will use around 6.5mA, and a sleeping Mayfly will use between 0.25mA and 0.5mA, depending on whether you’ve got a micr
        • #15252
            Gosh @shicks that is great to hear.  I wonder would you share how you made the sleep measurements with the microSD present. Any sketches for putting the mega1284 to sleep. Getting to 0.5mA would be f
          • #15259
            Matt Barney
              @shicks Thanks for those details. I wonder whether it could be the turbidity sensor, rather than the Mayfly, that’s actually drawing power, but I wouldn’t have thought it could do that whi
            • #15261
              Shannon Hicks
                If the “Switched 3v3” or “Switched 5v” is turned off, then nothing connected to those pins will be drawing power.  But if your Mayfly board is not actually going into deep sle
              • #15264
                  @mbarney an observation, the power is being turned off on the off board ADS1115, but not for the Turner. The ADS1115 Analog inputs are only specified for Vdd+0.3V. If either of the Turners outputs are
                • #15268
                  Matt Barney
                    @shicks The previous thread about I2C power that I’m aware of was when I learned that the jumper on the I2C grove port nee
                  • #15269
                      @mbarney the trace looks good for the waking portion. What I see on  my system is that it wakes every minute and then sleeps inbetween.  So i
                    • #15294
                      Matt Barney
                        Trying to track down and eliminate my my Mayfly’s excessive power draw during sleep, I rebuilt my circuit to use the Mayfly’s onboard ADS1115 via voltage dividers, but got the same results
                      • #15300
                          @mbarney  its a common problem with low power, sleep circuits.

                          Just to be clear/restate what the issue is. When in “sleep” mode a

                        • #15303
                          Sara Damiano
                            I would do as Neil suggested and make sure the trigger pin for the Turner is set low before sleep.

                            We’ve had the same problem with RS485 adapters that pull power through the Tx/Rx lines.  Beca

                          • #15304
                            Matt Barney
                              Thanks to both of you for your responses! I think I had just figured out the cause of my problem right about the time you were posting them, but needed to continue refining and testing my code before
                            • #15345
                              Matt Barney

                                Hi Sara, any advice on the question above, about powerUp/powerDown vs. wake/sleep?


                              • #15354
                                Sara Damiano

                                  I’d put it in the power up, since it’s supposed to happen right away and setting the pin is nearly instant and won’t slow down other things powering up.

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