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Debug flags for modem comms

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger Debug flags for modem comms

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  • Author
    • #13670
      Matt Barney
        Jake (@jlemontu-org) and I are troubleshooting a new Mayfly (from this thread) that is unable to connect to the internet. WeR
      • #13672
        Matt Barney
          One additional detail: after it failed to build, I commented out –DTINY_GSM_DEBUG=Serial, and it built, but of course, got no debuggin
        • #13674
          Sara Damiano
            What?? You haven’t read all the docs??  Actually, I don’t remember how well documented the build flags are.  Writing good documentation is hard.

            Are you using transparent or bypass?  Y

          • #13675
            Matt Barney
              Great, thanks, we’ll try the library update and see if we can get some useful traces. We’re using transparent.

              Reading docs is on my to-do list. =:D  Good documentation is definitely har

            • #13676
              Sara Damiano
                @ensign and others (Rachel Johnson, Matt Gisondi, David Bressler, @shicks, @heather and a few more) have put a lot of work into that manual!

                But we still have a 1-star review on Amazon for i

              • #13677
                Matt Barney
                  Haha… If your metric is Amazon reviews, well….      🙂

                  The doc effort definitely shows. I first came to a Stroud workshop in ~12/2017; then we (TU) jumped in deep last summer or fall w

                • #13679
                  Matt Barney
                    Hmm… still having errors with the TINY_GSM_DEBUG macro after updating libraries. Here’s the pio lib update’s output:

                  • #13682
                    Sara Damiano
                      You are exactly 1 commit behind for TinyGSM.  Try again.  Have you maybe installed TinyGSM to your “global” library registry instead of your local one?  You might need to do a “pi
                    • #13685
                      Matt Barney

                        Global update did it – thanks!

                      • #13687
                        Matt Barney
                          Well, we’re still unable to connect to the internet. We were using transparent mode on the XBee3, but I tried switching to bypass, and still no luck. Then, thinking that the project’s libr
                        • #13690
                          Shannon Hicks
                            You might try using a new SIM card or a new LTEBee module.  We’ve had several of them stop working recently for no reason at all.  Sometimes using a brand new SIM card will fix the problem, bu
                          • #13692
                            Matt Barney
                              OK. What’s perplexing to me about this one is that Jake’s been able to reinstall the same LTEBee and SIM back into the “old” Mayfly (the one we’re trying to swap out), an
                            • #13694
                              Shannon Hicks
                                What is the battery voltage that your Mayfly is recording in your data file?  We’ve had a few random failures of a mosfet on the board that will cause the Mayfly to read the incoming Lipo or US
                              • #13697
                                Sara Damiano
                                  I’m sorry.  No, I don’t think it’s an issue with the battery or the SIM.

                                  When you were running in Transparent, the XBee3 just didn’t register an internet connection.  They j

                                • #13698
                                  Sara Damiano
                                    I finally actually did some testing with my own board and managed to get most of the same errors you found in Bypass mode and pushed some corrections to TinyGSM.  It’s all about the issues with
                                  • #13700
                                    Matt Barney
                                      The voltage levels logged during these tests were from 4.67 to 4.776V. The mayfly was powered via USB and LiPo.

                                      I don’t know the Digi firmware version number on the XBee, but it was installed J

                                    • #13705
                                      Sara Damiano
                                        Doh!  I’m sorry, I was confusing you with Dan who was troubleshooting issues with the UBee last week.  They’re even worse than the LTE XBee3’s.

                                        The power isn’t your

                                      • #13706
                                        Matt Barney
                                          This is all very helpful – thank you!

                                          I just updated TinyGSM via pio:

                                        • #13707
                                          Sara Damiano


                                          • #13718
                                            Sara Damiano
                                              @shicks came over to my office yesterday with a pile of LTE XBee3’s that will no longer connect to the internet.  We’re going to buy some alternative types of modems to see if any of them
                                            • #13720
                                              Matt Barney
                                                Hi Sara,

                                                I want to update you on the results of our latest testing. I noticed that there was a new release of EnviroDIY/TinyGSM, so I installed that and re-tested. Transparent mode still failed (see

                                              • #13725
                                                Jake Lemon
                                                  I’m curious, were those LTE XBee3’s deployed in the field, worked properly then at some point stopped connecting to the internet? Or did you receive them and realize they wouldn’t co
                                                • #13726
                                                  Sara Damiano
                                                    @lemon – most of them were deployed in the field working and stopped for no apparent reason.  I didn’t realize we’d had so many failures until Shannon dumped them on my desk the oth
                                                  • #13727
                                                    Sara Damiano

                                                      Fix pushed.

                                                    • #13728
                                                      Matt Barney
                                                        Hi Sara, Since we got Bypass working on this modem, and @jlemontu-org (whose display name doesn’t match his username :)) has a window of time today to redeploy it in the field, we opted to just
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