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Mayfly clock and battery

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger Mayfly clock and battery

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  • Author
    • #13622
      Matt Barney
        I would like to better understand the Mayfly dependency on having its clock set correctly prior to deployment. If you remove the coin-cell battery for many days, then reinstall it, will the Mayfly los
      • #13623
        Sara Damiano
          If you remove both the coin battery and the mayfly loses power, even for an instant, the clock will reset to Jan 1, 2000 0:00:00.

          The coin battery isn’t necessary if there’s another power

        • #13624
          Shannon Hicks
            There’s no reason to remove the CR1220 coin cell battery before shipping the board.  You’re not able to ship loose batteries, or larger multi-cell batteries, but it’s okay to ship o
          • #13625
            Matt Barney
              Thanks for your quick responses! The shipping constraints are good to know; going forward I won’t remove the battery after setting the clock.

              I was able to confirm, using PCSync, that my develo

            • #13627
              Sara Damiano

                Was anything recorded on the SD card?

              • #13629
                Matt Barney


                • #13630
                  Matt Barney

                    I’ll attach the code here. Thanks, Matt

                  • #13640
                    Sara Damiano

                      I didn’t try running it, but there’s nothing that jumps out at me in a very quick glance through the code.  Did the SD card have data on it?

                    • #13645
                      Jake Lemon
                        The SD card did have data. I left the SD card in  long enough to complete one measurement. Attached. I then removed the SD card and took it home to look at the data, but left the station running with
                      • #13647
                        Matt Barney
                          That’s good to hear. Yep, all looked as expected in the data file on the SD card. It was named with 2000-01-01, so apparently never connected and synced to NIST. I’ll zip and attach the cs
                        • #13649
                          Sara Damiano
                            Oh.  Oops.

                            The data was probably rejected because of the timestamp.  The clock resets itself to 2000-01-01T00:00:00 – but then ModularSensors applied a negative offset to it assuming you want

                          • #13650
                            Sara Damiano

                              I made an issue for myself to fix this: https://github.com/EnviroDIY/ModularSensors/issues/304  Unfortunately, that doesn’t give you back lost data.

                            • #13651
                              Matt Barney
                                No problem.

                                So, to make sure I’m understanding: the funky date issue aside, had the Mayfly connected to the internet successfully, we believe it would have set its clock from NIST and would hav

                              • #13652
                                Sara Damiano
                                  Yes, that’s what it should have done.  I don’t see any obvious reason why it wouldn’t have, other than that it clearly didn’t.  The single battery measurement was on the low
                                • #13653
                                  Matt Barney
                                    Here’s our platformio.ini, which I didn’t post earlier. It’s identical to what works from my desk, so don’t suspect there’s a problem here.

                                  • #13654
                                    Sara Damiano

                                      That configuration looks good to me.  Let me know if you see any bugs I can smash.

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