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Difficulty connecting to MMW with LTE Adapter

Home Forums Monitor My Watershed Difficulty connecting to MMW with LTE Adapter

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    • #13197

        I am struggling to post data to MMW with a Digi Xbee 3 cell module (https://www.digi.com/products/embedded-systems/cellular-modems/xbee3-cellular-lte-m-nb-iot#partnumbers) and am looking

      • #13198
        Shannon Hicks
          The APN for Hologram is now “hologram” (with a lower case h) so you might try changing your code to that. But I have lots of older modules that have been out for years and still use the o
        • #13199
            Thanks for the quick response Shannon,

            I’ll give that APN a try, but it seems more likely that the antenna is the issue. I was under the impression that these modules had built in antennas tha

          • #13200
            Sara Damiano
              Hardware-wise, do you have an antenna attached to the “cellular” uFL connector? You’ll never connect without an antenna.

              But.. these LTE boards are just more finicky than 2G, so

            • #13201
              Sara Damiano
                I don’t think there’s any sort of built-in antenna on the LTE XBee3. I was under the impression that the external antenna is absolutely required. I’ve never gotten it to connect wi
              • #13202

                  Thank you very much for your detailed response and suggestions! I’ll get my hands on an antenna and go from there.

                • #13203
                  Shannon Hicks
                    There is no built-in antenna on the Xbee LTE module, or any cell module for that matter. I’ve tried a variety of antennas, this is the one we usually use because it’s cheap and fairly rug
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