Welcome to EnviroDIY, a community for do-it-yourself environmental science and monitoring. EnviroDIY is part of WikiWatershed, an initiative of Stroud Water Research Center designed to help people advance knowledge and stewardship of fresh water.
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  • Dear all,

    I have been running Mayfly successful for several months now for water level measurment (Maxbotix). Very nice platform! Recently, I installed one in the field. Anyone can advise me a method for making a “DIY staff gauge” for instaling besides my sensor? I want to learn to make them myself so I can customize the marking, and, I want to…[Read more]

  • Dear all, I got stuck when trying to run the sketch of Maxbotix sonar with sleeping and SD card.
    The error comes because I have not installed the library “Sodaq_PcInt_Mod.h” and “SoftwareSerialMod.h”.

    When checking the Github files, I see “EnviroDIY_SoftwareSerial_PCINT12@…” with indication of “Renamed SoftwareSerialMod”. Could anyhow tell…[Read more]

  • Dear all,

    I have a maxbotix ultrasoon sensor connected to the mayfly, and energy is coming from battery and small solar panel included in the kit (I will buy a larger battery and solar panel). It functions well, thanks to the help of Shannon. My final objective, however, is to monitoring the water level in several water tanks (>10) in a large…[Read more]

  • Arnoud started the topic LCD Display Mayfly in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 8 years ago

    From the very nice tutorial (http://www.toptechboy.com/arduino/lesson-19-arduino-lcd-display/) I was able to understand how to display a reading on a LCD 16×2 using LiquidCristal library. It uses 5V as input. If I understand well, I can not use with Mayfly, as the maximum output voltage is 3.3V? From other posts on this forum, I saw they were…[Read more]

  • Arnoud posted an update 8 years ago

    @neilh20 Dear Neil, I read you have experience with Particle. I have bought a Particle Electron for remote monitoring via mobile phone network. I also have a Mayfly to locally record the data. Is there a way I can ´combine´ Particle Electron and Mayfly? For me, the advantage of Particle is that is already comes with a chip that operates in Latin A…[Read more]

  • Arnoud posted a new activity comment 8 years, 1 months ago

    Dear Anthony, congratulations. Based on the pictures, I have following practical questions:
    1) What solar panel are you using? The solar panel that comes with the Mayfly is much smaller.
    2) Is it acustic material that you use to fill up the space in the box? Has it any other function?

    With friendly greetings,


    • The solar panels in the photos above are made by a company called Voltaic Systems (https://www.voltaicsystems.com/solar-panels). They have a variety of sizes, we prefer the 2W for sunny areas, and 3.5W for shady areas. T he small 0.5w panel that comes with the Mayfly starter kit is not waterproof, but it’s handy if you want to build a small…[Read more]

      • That looks very nice. Did you have any ESD-problems with that foam and those cases? I’ve tried to use some fake pelican boxes (made of PE plastic I belive) as enclosures for electronics and had huge problems; as soon as I came close to the box the electronics went crazy.

        • No, I haven’t had any problems with the foam or the cases. In fact, in some of the loggers in locations with a strong cellular signal, I skip the external antenna for the GPRS module and simply use a small PCB antenna and simply tuck that antenna between the small Mayfly enclosure and the foam.

  • Dear Anthony,

    Thanks for the info. Does the cable of the Adafruit solar panel need some adjustment (or additional jack), or one can plug it in directly?

    With friendly greetings,


  • Dear all,

    Some weeks ago, Arduino/Siemens presented at the Rome Maker fair a “multi-task open Industrial IoT gateway” developed by Siemens and compatible with Arduino and related shields. (https://www.rs-online.com/designspark/simatic-iot2020) They promote its robustness (heat, dust, outdoor, etc.), its certification and low price. My first rea…[Read more]

  • Thanks for the quick reply. Indeed, I was probably erroneously connecting the PWM output (2) instead of the serial (5) to the Mayfly. I will give it a try this week and keep you informed. Thanks for the help…

  • Dear all,

    I have the same set-up of Maxbotix sonar with Mayfly as Steven. I did some trials first with my arduino and analog signal reading which was succesfull.

    Now I trying the serial code available on the enviroDIY website, but readings are 0 mm. I hope following questions may help me to get succesfull measurements:
    1) In the code the pin 5…[Read more]

  • Dear members,

    On the short-term, I will be performing a Rhodamine WT experiment for which I will be using the Cyclops sensor (3-15 VDC >100 mA INPUT and 0-5 VDC output) of turner design. If I understand well, the Mayfly is not the best option for this type of analog sensor, because of the risk of having an input signal of the sensor to the…[Read more]

  • Dear members,

    On the short-term, I will be performing a Rhodamine WT experiment for which I will be using the Cyclops sensor (3-15 VDC >100 mA INPUT and 0-5 VDC output) of turner design. If I understand well, the Mayfly is not the best option for this type of analog sensor, because of the risk of having an input signal of the sensor to the…[Read more]

  • Dear members,

    On the short-term, I will be performing a Rhodamine WT experiment for which I will be using the Cyclops sensor (3-15 VDC >100 mA INPUT and 0-5 VDC output) of turner design. If I understand well, the Mayfly is not the best option for this type of analog sensor, because of the risk of having an input signal of the sensor to the…[Read more]

  • Arnoud became a registered member 8 years, 8 months ago