Dear all, I got stuck when trying to run the sketch of Maxbotix sonar with sleeping and SD card.
The error comes because I have not installed the library “Sodaq_PcInt_Mod.h” and “S
Dear all, I got stuck when trying to run the sketch of Maxbotix sonar with sleeping and SD card.
The error comes because I have not installed the library “Sodaq_PcInt_Mod.h” and “SoftwareSerialMod.h”.
When checking the Github files, I see “EnviroDIY_SoftwareSerial_PCINT12@…” with indication of “Renamed SoftwareSerialMod”. Could anyhow tell me how I can resolve it? I tried downloading, extracting and renaming the file to “SoftwareSerialMod” but it did not work out…
Also, where to find “Soday_PcInt_Mod.h?
Thanks in advance.
With friendly greetings,