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Dying battery in winter solved by 3.5 W solar panel

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger Dying battery in winter solved by 3.5 W solar panel

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  • Author
    • #1893
      Anthony Aufdenkampe
        Some early adopters of our wireless sensor stations, such as those shown in our post: EnviroDI
      • #1922

          Dear Anthony,

          Thanks for the info. Does the cable of the Adafruit solar panel need some adjustment (or additional jack), or one can plug it in directly?

          With friendly greetings,


        • #1923
          Shannon Hicks
            It’s not mentioned above, but equally important to surviving the cold weather and reduction in sunlight is to increase the capacity of the LiPo battery being charged by the panel. Depending on
          • #2049
              Hi, I note that the specs for the Mayfly state they only support a 2.5W solar panel. Here I see that you’re able to connect a 3.2W panel. How about a 6W panel (e.g., https://www.adafruit.com/p
            • #2051
              Shannon Hicks
                I’m not sure where you saw something that said the Mayfly only supports a 2.5W panel, because that’s not accurate. The only limiting thing is the voltage that the panel produces — t
              • #2055
                  Hmmm, now I don’t see where I saw the 2.5W reference. Perhaps I was mixing it up with the Sodaq Mbili. That’s good to know. At least one of the locations I’m intending to sample i
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