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Code change for Meter Hydros 21 CTD

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger Code change for Meter Hydros 21 CTD

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  • Author
    • #17109
      Matt Barney
        I don’t recall seeing any announcement on the forums, so I thought I’d share with everyone that the latest Hydros 21 sensors (Generation 2) require ModularSensors version 0.33.3 or later.
      • #17111

          Noted. Thank you. This is in my next couple weeks of existence.

        • #17113
          Stephen H

            Does the new setting still work with the older sensors?  Do we need to maintain 2 sets of code?  Thx.

            • #17114
              Shannon Hicks
                Yes, the update made to the ModularSensors code in in order to fix Hydros 21 is backwards compatible.  I mentioned it last week in this post: https://www.envirodiy.org/topic/hydros-21-decagon-ctd-rea
            • #17115
              Matt Barney
                A couple bits of additional info. To visually identify whether your Hydros 21 is a Gen 1 or a Gen 2, see attached photos of the sensor head on each version. Note that some Gen 1’s had red cables
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