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How to determine battery and power supply

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger How to determine battery and power supply

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    • #18039
        Hi everyone, I’m wondering what is the best way to determine how much power I need to supply to run my Mayfly and the sensors attached, and how I properly size batteries and solar panels. The se
      • #18041
        Shannon Hicks
          Standard practice is that when the Mayfly board goes to sleep in between measurements, it turns off all power supplied to the sensors and radio module.  So the power consumed when sleeping is just th
        • #18042
            Awesome. The XBee module is an RF module, the XBee Pro S3B. I just remembered, while the apogee sensors I am using don’t require power to make measurements, they do require power for the interna
          • #18043
            Shannon Hicks
              Sensors with heaters are another big challenge, especially if they run continuously.  Are the heaters powered all the time, or only when taking a sample?   Do they require 12v to operate, or was th
            • #18044
                I’ve attached the specs sheet to this reply. Maybe you can help me interpret it. The following is what I was told from Apogee when I asked about the heaters:

                “Regarding the heaters, you d

              • #18054
                Shannon Hicks
                  If you’ve got 4 heated sensors that require constant 12 volts, then I don’t think the Mayfly and the standard “battery/solar panel combo” is going to be sufficient.  It would
                • #18057

                    Great idea! Thanks @shicks!

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