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Programming and troubleshooting Apogee SP-710 sensor

Home Forums Environmental Sensors Programming and troubleshooting Apogee SP-710 sensor

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    • #18306

        I have installed some stations that use the Apogee thermopile pyranometers and pyrgeometers to measure incoming and outgoing shortwave and longwave radiation. These sensors don’t have their own source code in the modular sensors library, so I took the liberty of creating my own based on the Apogee SQ-212 files that already exist. The data I’m getting back for the longwave radiation (from the SL-510 and SL-610 sensors) seems to be in a reasonable range but my shortwave readings are not. The shortwave measurements are taken by the SP-710, which is an analog albedometer that combines the SP-510 and the SP-610: https://www.apogeeinstruments.com/sp-710-ss-albedometer-sensor-package/

        I don’t notice anything wrong with my wiring, so my guess is that there is something wrong with the code I created. If I could get some help checking if the source code and header files I made for the Apogee pyranometers and pyrgeometers is sound that would be great. I’ll just add the upward looking pyranometer header and cpp files first because I don’t want to clutter this thread, and the SP-610 files are based on the SP-510 files.


      • #18320

          @srgdamiano do you by chance see where I am going wrong?</p>

        • #18392

            @shicks this is something I am still struggling with, and I am having hard time figuring out. I’ve added some pictures with some of the data I’ve been collecting. It seems that the logger is picking up that there is some diurnal cycle happening, but the values seem to not match what I would expect, or they can be wildly all over the place. If I could get some help with this that would be great.

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