saeedcs became a registered member 2 days, 23 hours ago
Braedon started the topic Interpreting and adjusting error values in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 1 weeks, 1 days ago
Hello there, I am working on a lit bit of debugging for some publisher code using ModularSensors. I successfully connect to the server but get a 422 error code which means that though the POST request had the proper syntax, the body could not be processed. I’ve been trying to figure out what it could be, and I think it might have to do with the…[Read more]
Shannon Hicks replied to the topic Connecting Arduino MEGA or NANO with Teros 12 Sensor in the forum Environmental Sensors 1 weeks, 2 days ago
There’s a section in the User Manual that should have been included in the shipment with your sensor (it’s also downloadable from here: https://metergroup.com/products/teros-12/teros-12-support/) that explains how to use the raw number collected by the sensor to calculate soil moisture content.
aqua replied to the topic Connecting Arduino MEGA or NANO with Teros 12 Sensor in the forum Environmental Sensors 1 weeks, 2 days ago
@shicks Thank you so much its working perfectly fine now. Also if you could explain to me how to convert the RAW data of the sensor with the units of measurement I want it would be really helpful.
Kurt@UR became a registered member 1 weeks, 4 days ago
Shannon Hicks replied to the topic Error Compiling for board EnviroDIY Mayfly 1284p in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 2 weeks ago
It looks like you’re having the same issues a few other people have reported lately. We’re working on a fix, but in the meantime, the easiest thing to do is to replace all your “MyDocuments/Arduino/libraries” files with the stable versions from last summer. In order to do this, you’ll have to delete all the current library files on your PC. If y…[Read more]
JK_WCCD replied to the topic Error Compiling for board EnviroDIY Mayfly 1284p in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 2 weeks, 1 days ago
I figured out the issue but I am now facing another error. I keep getting the following error message –
C:UsersDocumentsArduinolibrariesEnviroDIY_ModularSensorssrcsensorsAlphasenseCO2.cpp:17:10: fatal error: Adafruit_ADS1X15.h: No such file or directory
#include <Adafruit_ADS1X15.h>
compilation terminated.
exit status 1
Shannon Hicks replied to the topic Connecting Arduino MEGA or NANO with Teros 12 Sensor in the forum Environmental Sensors 2 weeks, 1 days ago
That means your IDE’s Serial Monitor baud rate is not the same as the baud rate in your sketch
aqua replied to the topic Connecting Arduino MEGA or NANO with Teros 12 Sensor in the forum Environmental Sensors 2 weeks, 1 days ago
@shicks Its working now. Thank you. But the issue is with the b_address_change sketch. This is the output.
13:12:30.112 -> ��fx������~��
��fx����怘 -
Shannon Hicks replied to the topic Connecting Arduino MEGA or NANO with Teros 12 Sensor in the forum Environmental Sensors 2 weeks, 1 days ago
Did you make sure the sensor is properly wired to your Mega, (tip to 5v, sleeve to GND, and ring to data) and that the pin number in the sketch matches whatever pin number you connected the data line to? If all the wiring is correct, then it might be an issue with the latest SDI12 library that a few people have reported. You could try r…[Read more]
aqua replied to the topic Connecting Arduino MEGA or NANO with Teros 12 Sensor in the forum Environmental Sensors 2 weeks, 2 days ago
@shicks When I connect the tip-power, ring-ground, and sleeve-data Arduino IDE can’t read my port & the light on the Arduino Mega stops. What’s the reason? This is the output its giving me ”
<div>12:06:33.721 -> Timeout value:
<div>12:06:33.721 -> -9999
<div>12:06:33.721 -> Powering up sensors,…
Shannon Hicks replied to the topic Connecting Arduino MEGA or NANO with Teros 12 Sensor in the forum Environmental Sensors 2 weeks, 2 days ago
The baud rate in the example sketches is usually 57600 or 115200, which is the rate for the Arduino board’s serial output port that it uses to communicate with your computer, not the sensor. For whatever rate you choose, you have to manually change your IDE’s baud rate to match, otherwise you’ll just get gibberish on the monitor. The baud rate o…[Read more]
aqua replied to the topic Connecting Arduino MEGA or NANO with Teros 12 Sensor in the forum Environmental Sensors 2 weeks, 2 days ago
@shicks I had a doubt related to the baud rate mentioned in the example sketches which is “115200” but for SDI-12 configuration of TEROS 12 its “1200”. Should I change it? Also if I change the address of the sensor will I be able to obtain data from the data logger provided by METER or do I have to set it to “0” each & every time I have to access…[Read more]
Shannon Hicks replied to the topic Connecting Arduino MEGA or NANO with Teros 12 Sensor in the forum Environmental Sensors 3 weeks ago
I’ve attached a screenshot from Meter Group’s Teros 12 Integrator Guide. It shows the wiring scheme for the bare-wire version and the 3.5mm stereo plug version. If you’ve got the sensor with the 3.5mm plug, then you’ll need to compare this diagram to whatever breakout board you’re using to match the tip, ring, and sleeve to the power, ground, a…[Read more]
aqua replied to the topic Connecting Arduino MEGA or NANO with Teros 12 Sensor in the forum Environmental Sensors 3 weeks, 1 days ago
@shicks For now I want to connect one Teros 12 but in future want to connect four. Also I have both Mega & Nano with me. The output is an audio jack for which I have bought a trs 3.5mm breakout board. I just want to display the sensor data on my computer & use a esp module to display it on some website for future purposes
Shannon Hicks replied to the topic Connecting Arduino MEGA or NANO with Teros 12 Sensor in the forum Environmental Sensors 3 weeks, 1 days ago
How many sensors are you wanting to connect to your Arduino board? Do you have a Mega, or Nano, or both? What sort of termination is on the end of your sensors? Are you just wanting to display instantaneous sensor data on your computer or are you trying to build a logging device?
aqua replied to the topic Connecting Arduino MEGA or NANO with Teros 12 Sensor in the forum Environmental Sensors 3 weeks, 2 days ago
can you suggest something?
aqua started the topic Connecting Arduino MEGA or NANO with Teros 12 Sensor in the forum Environmental Sensors 3 weeks, 2 days ago
I’m new when it comes to SDI-12 sensors. Can someone help me connecting Arduino Mega or Nano to the Teros 12. A basic pin configuration & which code to run to check whether the data is being read would be really helpful.
aqua became a registered member 3 weeks, 3 days ago
Lance Lascari replied to the topic Please renew the domain! in the forum Monitor My Watershed 3 weeks, 6 days ago
Thanks, Yes, I noticed it came back pretty quickly.
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