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Error Compiling for Mayfly; ModularSensors

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger Error Compiling for Mayfly; ModularSensors

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  • Author
    • #18556
      Elizabeth Watson

        I’m currently trying to change the logger ID, input the variable list, and input the UUID List, but the sketch (DRWI_DigiLTE) keeps failing to compile. I’ll include both the error

      • #18561
        Sara Damiano
          You need to either upgrade your ModularSensors library from 0.34.0 to 0.35.0 or downgrade your SD fat library from 2.2.3 to 2.1.2.

          All the dependent libraries are updated all of the

          • #18563
            Elizabeth Watson

              Thank you for your response! I finally have the sketch uploaded.

              I am now having an issue with the cellular connection. When I ran the sketch, it said “could not wake modem for clock sy

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