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Parameter Alarm Function

Home Forums Monitor My Watershed Parameter Alarm Function


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  • Author
    • #18399
        Hello, I am familiar with the Monitor My Watershed function that alerts me with an email if one of my sites stops receiving sensor data. When will there be a function that sends me, or another interes
      • #18546
        Scott Ensign
          Hi Brian. We’ve discussed adding this feature for a long time. I didn’t see this noted as a Github issue, so I added it h
        • #18547
          Scott Ensign
            Brian, note that @andrewglaros3 developed a similar function here. That python code might be enhanced by targeting a
          • #18582
              @brianjastram I just launched a webapp for this and I am looking for people to use the system and give me feed back. Here is a post with some more info, LMK what you think. https://www.envirodiy.org/t
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