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U.S. Cellular EnviroDIY LTE Bee connection

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger U.S. Cellular EnviroDIY LTE Bee connection


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    • #17582
      Laura DeCicco

        • Mayfly v.1.1 (via the EnviroDIY Mayfly Data Logger Board and Starter Kit)
        • EnviroDIY LTE Bee
        • U.S. Cellular SIM card

        I’m using this sketch:

      • #17583
        Laura DeCicco

          We can see some data usage from the SIM card…so it maybe it just needs a longer time before “Putting modem to sleep”?

        • #17584
          Shannon Hicks
            What is the APN name that US Cellular gave you use?  Is the SIM card activated?  Have you ever used that particular SIM card on another cellular device, like a tablet or phone?  Are you sure that t
          • #17585
            Laura DeCicco
              The APN  for US Cellular is “uscc05836.enterprise3.usc-cdp”. Southern WI is one of the few places US Cellular has dedicated towers and the signal is good (from what I’ve been told)&
            • #17586
              Shannon Hicks
                If the Mayfly reports “could not wake modem for clock sync” then that means there’s no communication between the Mayfly and the cellular module.  That usually happens when then cell
              • #17587
                Laura DeCicco
                  You’re right! I had pulled the SIM card out to get the ID and apparently didn’t quite push it in far enough, so I’m back to the “Could not connect to internet for clock sync.&#
                • #17590
                  Shannon Hicks
                    There’s no easy way to tell your Mayfly sketch to  wait longer on initial startup, the instructions for that are buried deep in one of the supporting library files and not in the main sketch. 
                  • #17594
                    Laura DeCicco
                      Much like some of the other issues with similar initial connection problems….I re-started the Serial Monitor enough times that it eventually worked! For the record, U.S. Cellular no longer piggy
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