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Cannot connect to internet for clock sync with NIST

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger Cannot connect to internet for clock sync with NIST

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  • Author
    • #13771

        After some frustration in trying to log data to ThingSpeak, I decided to give logging to MMW a shot since I have everything. I am happy to report that I have gotten further into the process, bu

      • #13772
        Shannon Hicks
          Did you activate the SIM card with Hologram?  If the orange RSSI LED light isn’t coming on, then you aren’t getting any cell reception.  Once you do get cell reception, the orange LED wi
        • #13773
            Hi Shannon, thanks for responding!

            I have registered my SIM with Hologram and the antenna is securely connected. You mentioned somewhere to be careful about the ufl connectors on the antenna coax lin

          • #13775
              I’ve tried to connect to my modem via XCTU, and from what it is telling me, there is not an active bootloader on the module. Great!
              It states that it cannot find a radio module on the selected p
            • #13776
              Shannon Hicks

                What kind of carrier board or adapter board are you using between your PC and the Xbee LTE module?

              • #13778
                Sara Damiano
                  No active bootloader is… bad.  Are you trying to talk to the XBee3 by way of the Mayfly or do you have a separate adapter board (like the

                • #13779
                  Sara Damiano
                    We haven’t figured out why we’ve had such a high failure rate with the LTE-M XBee3’s.  It’s pretty discouraging.

                    I know there was an upload issue with the outputs you tried t

                  • #13780
                    Heather Brooks
                      Webmaster chiming in about the uploads issue. It should be possible to upload .ino and .txt files now. Unfortunately, it looks like .ini is not a mime type I can allow to be uploaded to the media lib
                    • #13781
                        I heard back from Digi tech support and heard the same. I cant use the Mayfly as the middle man, Digi’s own dev board is another $70…is it expected that anyone who wants to use an XBee to
                      • #13782

                          for sure!


                        • #13786
                          Sara Damiano
                            You shouldn’t really need the development board.  If you’re going to use a bunch of the XBee’s I’d say it’s a $70 well spent, but you shouldn’t *need* it.


                          • #13788
                              Hi Sara,

                              Thanks a lot, this seems like the right direction.

                              After adding those flags, I am seeing a lot of:
                              +CREG: 0,2
                              Which, by your notes, means I have no conn

                            • #13789
                                I am happy to report that everything seems to be working!

                                Sara, the program you provided didn’t seem to do anything? It compiles fine and is accepted by the board, but there doesn’t seem

                              • #13790
                                Heather Brooks
                                  @charlesbrown Glad to hear you’ve made progress! We’re always looking for guest bloggers to share their projects and provide tips/tricks/tutorials to help others. Please email me at webmas
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